Narcissistic Abuse and Spiritually Naming It

I used to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. I was naive and, unknowingly, suffered a fawn trauma response from childhood trauma. Through the school of hard knocks, I began to unceasingly ask questions to understand how evil works in this world. I am curious and have a natural thirst for knowledge.

I accessed higher education and earned university degrees in both Criminal Justice and Social Work. The education caused me to look at the world through the eyes of secular psychology. Secular psychology is necessary for gaining innerstanding of human behavior. At the same time, I believe we cannot leave out spirituality or we have fallen into the trap of arrogance. The trap is thinking we have evolved so far in our modern age that we can ignore ancient spiritual truths which are rooted in the origins of humanity. 

I study to integrate spirituality and psychology with surviving both narcissism and family scapegoating. I typically refer to the work of M. Scott Peck, M.D. His book People of the Lie is foundational for helping me to innerstand what evil truly is. Dr. Peck states that evil is in opposition to life and is a life and death issue. Evil people are actually willing to sacrifice the very life of their own child. 

Dr. Peck states that “evil is revolting because it is dangerous. It will contaminate or otherwise destroy a person who remains too long in its presence. Unless you know very well what you are doing, the best thing you can do when faced with evil is to run the other way. The revulsion counter-transference is an instinctive or, if you will, God-given and saving early-warning radar system.” (pg. 65, People of the Lie).

Narcissism and Scapegoating is Evil

No child wants to believe that their parent(s) is evil. As children, we are vulnerable and need to believe our parents will love and care for us. If we are the family scapegoat, we get singled out for excessive abusive behavior from parents which is confusing. We do not innerstand what we did wrong when we are punished and hated for having moral standards and for being a truthteller. It is most confusing when scapegoats are punished because narcissistic parents do not want to be exposed for their bad behavior. To avoid exposure, they confabulate a reason so they can blame and shame the scapegoat (projective identification). 

I recently identified malignant narcissism in both parents. In People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil, M. Scott Peck argues that evil is a sickness and should be considered a psychiatric diagnosis. He states that malignant narcissism is characterized by an unsubmitted will (pg. 78). Clinically, narcissistic personality disorder is linked to other personality disorders, including borderline personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. It has recently been included, with psychopathy and Machiavellianism, as one of the dark triad personalities. 

M. Scott Peck states: “the existing broad category of personality disorders currently covers those psychiatric conditions in which the denial of personal responsibility is the predominant feature. By virtue of their unwillingness to tolerate the sense of personal sin and the denial of their imperfection, the evil easily fit into this broad diagnostic category. There is even within this class a subcategory entitled ‘narcissistic personality disorder’. It would, I believe, be quite appropriate to classify evil people as constituting a specific variant of the narcissistic personality disorder” (pg. 128). M. Scott Peck’s proposed “evil” subtype of narcissistic personality disorder is distinguished from psychopathy by the use of self-deception to keep the emotional consequences of his or her crimes out of conscious awareness.

It is a sad day when the family scapegoat realizes their parent(s) have personality disorders and are evil. The family scapegoat faces the fact that their parent(s) were willing to sacrifice their child in order to preserve their sick selves. The family scapegoat has to get away because the evil are intellectually devious and will persist with various, manipulative tactics to coerce the scapegoat back into the narcissistic family regime. They coerce not because they genuinely love their child. They coerce because they need a punching bag. 

Ancient Origins of Narcissism

Once the family scapegoat is spiritually awakened, they see that narcissism is traced back to ancestors and that it’s a recurring cycle which passed through generations. Denzo Mos, in the video below, states that the “whole thing is ancient spiritual warfare” between forces of good and evil. The goal of the dark, spiritual entities behind narcissism is to take as much energy as they can.  Energy is on a spiritual plane of light and darkness. When the family scapegoat awakens, they can see what is called evil in front of them. 

It is scary to realize that persons with a personality disorder are not aware of what is happening to them. Narcissistic parents often don’t know who they are. They traumatize good people so they can lower their vibration, keep them in a fear state, and make them easier to control. They know the empathic family scapegoat vibrates at a love frequency. The narcissists focus on wearing down the scapegoat so they become hateful like the narcissist. They do not care if they cause illness or injury in the scapegoat. Denzo states that narcissists are like robots, when taken over by entities, who steal, kill and destroy.  

Denzo also states that narcissists come into your life by design. On a spiritual level, they know the Light in the empathic family scapegoat and gravitate toward it. They hate the Light so that is the first thing they try to destroy in the empath. That is why the empath is attacked for no reason. For me, listening to Denzo, I recalled the sociopath calling me “sunshine” when we first met. Now I see why. He recognized the Light in me and set out to destroy it.

Do Archons Walk Among Us? 

Once I accepted the psychological reality of evil in parentage, it was another step to fully accept it as a spiritual reality. M. Scott Peck, M.D. states: “It happens, then, that the children of evil parents enter adulthood with very significant psychiatric disturbances. We have been working with such victims, often very successfully, for many years without ever having to employ the word ‘evil’. But it is doubtful that some can be wholly healed of their scars from having had to live in close quarters with evil without correctly naming the source of their problems.

To come to terms with evil in one’s parentage is perhaps the most difficult and painful psychological task a human being can be called on to face. Most fail and so remain its victims. Those who fully succeed in developing the necessary searing vision are those who are able to name it ” (pg. 130, People of the Lie). Dr. Peck states that human evil is common. 

In developing the necessary searing vision, I turned to David Icke who has a vast amount of research on reptilian entities. He used to be laughed at about his reptilian “conspiracy”. Currently, he is highly respected. So, I ask what he means by reptilian. David Icke has literally wrote tens of thousands of pages about current world events, scientific studies, ancient archaeology, myths and religions, etc. that weave together his belief in the reptilians. The belief includes the fact that these beings have been on earth a long time and that they shapeshift. 

Famous Reptilians

“Much of the theory’s popularity comes from Icke’s interpretations of Gnostic texts such as the Nag Hammadi, as well as biblical Apocrypha like the Dead Sea Scrolls. He says he believes these texts contain evidence that certain higher vibrational beings of frequency, known as Archons, appear on Earth as humans, masking their true reptilian form. These ‘Archontic’ forces are undoubtedly evil, intent on enslaving humanity for their own selfish reasons.

These “Archontic” forces are undoubtedly evil, intent on enslaving humanity for their own selfish reasons. Icke says these forces are like a computer virus that manifested itself in elite bloodlines throughout mankind’s history. Also known to use their most infamous arm of clandestine influence, the Illuminati, these famous Reptilian shapeshifters form a psychopathic ruling class that pulls the strings in all of the world’s financial and political power structures.

Reptilian References in Ancient Cultures

Icke says there is mention in the Nag Hammadi of not just Reptilians, but also the Greys, commonly reported as one of the less-than-friendly alien species humans encounter. These, too, are manifestations of the negative Archontic form, he says.

Icke also points to the Old Testament, in which the Nephilim, a.k.a. the ‘fallen ones’ fit into his theory of a descendent race infiltrating humanity. Some translations interpret the Nephilim as giants or others as fallen angels, but in both cases, they interbred with humans. Icke says these are the Reptilians, and depictions of them can be seen throughout disparate religions and cultures in antiquity, worshipped as gods or demi-gods like the Nephilim.

Another piece of evidence for this theory comes from the fact that many religions in ancient civilizations depict some sort of reptilian god or goddess which supports David Icke’s theory that these reptilian beings once ruled in the open and created impossible structures such as the Pyramids of Egypt.”

I consulted various sources to see whether I could validate David Icke’s literature on reptilians. Several sources include James Gilliland and R. A. Boulay in addition to recent literature I read on spirit attachments. The author Boulay wrote the book Flying Serpents and Dragons: The Story of Mankind’s Reptilian Past. He gives evidence that our ancestors were not human mammals like us but an alien reptilian form. For me, what I know for sure, is that we have been lied to so much and for so long that I continuously look for truth. I also tend to believe the opposite of what we’ve been taught in this deceptive, pathocracy matrix. 

They Live

I conclude that narcissistic family members are influenced by psychic bonds, trauma bonds, spirit attachment and/or spirit possession. I conclude that psychology and spirituality need to be integrated in order to fully understand narcissism and sociopathy. These people, who have lived a lifetime of being abusive, lacking empathy, being deceptive, and having no remorse are not human any longer. They are like teflon. They are influenced by the demonic as taught in the Christian religion I was raised in as a child. 

I include the following movie clip to portray what it is like when we spiritually awaken and start seeing through distractions, deceptions, and people who are inhumane. Once the scapegoat spiritually awakens, we see evil for what it is. We see narcissism which destroys and lies to cover up relationship crimes. We see people of the lie who refuse to get treatment for either themselves and/or their families.  

For me, I never imagined this would be my life – having to leave family in order to survive because personality disorders (demonic entities) scapegoat and destroy. It takes time and healing to get to the place where family scapegoats accept the reality of loved ones who despise one child. Rebecca C. Mandeville, LMFT, CCTP says it calls for “radical acceptance”. 

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