TAR – Toxic Abusive Relationships – Network

TAR support meetings are hosted on the worldwide platform site called https://www.intherooms.com/home/ where survivors can find a variety of free online meetings 24/7 for recovery from trauma, addictions, and more.  · 

TAR Network in partnership with The Institute for Relational Harm Reduction, a survivor-recovery specialist in Narcissistic Abuse, brings evidence-based approaches to this recovery model through free online support meetings. The following is their promotion, for inviting those who seek recovery, to access these meetings and resources: 


The term TAR (Toxic Abusive Relationships) was coined by Dr. Jamie to help make sense out of a universal clinical situation that makes no sense at all. Dr. Jamie realized that a collective everyday language and a unique approach for those impacted by toxic individuals was vital. According to NIMH, the prevalence of personality disorders found in every walk of life is nearly 10%.

TAR is characterized by the Dark Triad of a lack of empathy, lack of accountability, and a Machiavellian approach in any relationship. Unsuspecting empathic people who have stepped in TAR are figuratively stuck in a dark, thick substance – composed of shame, blame, isolation, gaslighting, and trauma bonds – triggered by their own unresolved childhood wounds.

To help those who consider themselves the walking wounded or collateral damage left in the wake of narcissistic abuse, Dr. Jamie, along with an international team, founded TAR Network.

Have you been a victim of narcissistic abuse?

Did you or your child(ren) experience parental alienation?

Have you been raised by a toxic parent?

Have you ever suffered at a toxic worksite?

Have you avoided family gatherings due to harmful family members?

If you answered in the affirmative to any of these questions, then unfortunately you’ve experienced TAR – a Toxic Abusive Relationship.

To help those who consider themselves the walking wounded or collateral damage left in the wake of narcissistic abuse, Dr. Jamie, along with an international team, founded TAR Network.

The mission of TAR Network is to stop – and keep from getting worse – the pandemic of narcissistic abuse around the world. We are here to help you heal and recover from TAR. We hope that you will consider – and make part of your recovery plan – accepting our invitation to participate in a brand new meeting offered by Dr. Jamie Huysman, Founder and Executive Director of TAR Network™.  This psychoeducational experience will provide guidance for everyone who has and continues to suffer from the effects of TAR.  Dr. Jamie will provide you with the tools you need to overcome and heal from TAR in the upcoming year, in addition to teaching you to protect yourself and your loved ones from TAR in the various spheres of your life. 

Addiction to toxic and narcissistic people is real, and we want to help you set the necessary boundaries. Using an analogy from folklore, “TARred & Feathered” will focus on removing – or de-tarring – toxic individuals from your life. 

Please join us every Monday at 7:00 PM EST, starting January 22nd, at InTheRooms.com. To join the FREE meeting with Dr. Jamie Huysman, register InTheRooms.com.”

Join the movement: www.tarnetwork.org


We have a noble mission – to raise awareness of the effects of Toxic Abusive Relationships (TARs). Together, we can accomplish this mission with our voices by bringing hopeful stories of survival and recovery to those struggling to heal.

TAR Tales™ was created to provide all of us with a safe and confidential vehicle to share stories, coping skills, and outcomes that will help to form the foundation of our campaign to bring public health education and awareness globally.

Sharing stories is one of the most meaningful ways that we can connect as human beings. Listening to and learning from others in situations similar to our own allows us to bond and form deep connections that lead to healing. For those of you who struggle to open up, remember:

Safety is not the absence of the threat, but the presence of connection.” Dr. Gabor Maté

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