A Scapegoated Child Called “It”

For those of us on the path of self-discovery and recovery, it is a journey which takes a long time and requires much reflection so we can heal. We eventually get to the place of feeling as though we connected all the dots. We connected the dots and made sense of what happened in our life so we have clarity, liberation, the ability to both live in the present moment and to let go of bad actors who like to hurt us.

As I gained clarity, liberation, and the ability to let go, I saw how the family scapegoat, in a narcissistic family regime, is like the child called “it”. Family scapegoats are the emotional receptacle for all the stress in the family. We become the “it” – the punching bag, the garbage can, the family football, the kicking post, the tarred and feathered, the crucified, the crazy one, the troublemaker, the defective one, the discard, and labeled narcissist, etc. Historically, for so long, family scapegoats suffered in silence and were unable to name what happened to them. Some did not survive the family brutality. Now we know about family mobbing, the brutality, the false narrative, that scapegoating is evil, and that evil seems to run in families.

Though we were unfairly designated the role of family scapegoat, we wanted to believe in our parents. We needed to believe they would love and care for us so we could survive. After years of recovery, I no longer believe that fantasy. I now see the personality disorders in both parents who took no responsibility and, instead, unjustly scapegoated on one child. That one child, as do all family scapegoats, got beat up emotionally, verbally, physically, spiritually, and or sexually. We end up with more illness and injury than the other children in the family because of the targeted abuse and neglect. We become the “identified patient” and have high ACE scores.

David Pelzer was the family scapegoat. The abuse he suffered and survived was publicly exposed for being one of the most severe child abuse cases in California history. He was beaten and starved by his mother who tortured him with games that left him nearly dead. David survived because he internally fought for his survival. All family scapegoats have to internally fight for their survival when they are surrounded and targeted for the family scapegoating game. The family mob, who hates one child so much they kill the spirit of that child, is dangerous. It’s a matter of degree, on a continuum, with how severe the family scapegoating abuse (FSA) will be for one child.

For me, I now know the story from beginning to end. When I started my journey of self-discovery and recovery, I thought something was wrong with me. Now I know that was just the false narrative brainwashing from personality disordered parents who would not take responsibility for their abuse. Now that I finally connected all the dots, I realize the personality disorders will never acknowledge what they did. They will never know that I know who they are and what they did. The entire family would go nuts and attack if I shattered their false narrative with truth. They thought they got away with it all. They worked hard to keep me down so I could never figure out the FSA game and tell. My life review, and connecting the dots, is not for their contemptuous eyes. My life review is for my liberation and for building a life with kindness rather than narcissistic abuse:

  • preverbal trauma which resulted in dissociation,
  • labeled stubborn which was, instead, dissociation when the malignant narcissist raged,
  • survived a tag team of both the malignant narcissist and BPD/covert narcissist who worked together to take their issues out on one young child. The covert played victim and martyr to manipulate the malignant to attack me with rage,
  • more punishment when the tag team thought I was being stubborn rather than seeing I froze with terror when the tag team attacked,
  • chronic illness as a result of a stressful environment and being target for the tag team. No other child in the family suffered as I did. Siblings may never admit they participated in the family mobbing,
  • immune system deficiency as a result of stress, chronic illness and too many antibiotics,
  • series of injuries including stitches which no other child suffered,
  • setup by the tag team to unknowingly marry a sociopath because they both enjoyed the drama and needed control,
  • surviving the steve sociopath, health crisis, sixteen years of marriage, ten years post-divorce stalking, harassment and assault,
  • family court crisis corruption, parental alienation,
  • hated for being a truthteller
  • scapegoated by every personality disorder, flying monkeys in both the family and court system who enabled the sociopath,
  • FSA my entire life,
  • walking away from a mob of energy vampires.

A New Life

There is no turning back. Family knows what we lived through but they pretend I’m the only one with the problem. They pretend they are perfect. They know i.e. my younger brother said ‘no one could live in that house without knowing about the violence’ when I asked him if he saw the violence I saw. My children know what the steve sociopath did and documented some of what they lived through. They admit the sociopath does not care about them yet the FSA continues. None have remorse for FSA. Worse, when I acknowledged I was the family scapegoat, I was immediately told with vehemence, by the personality disorder, “You are not!”

I’m not interested in relationships with people who enjoy hurting me, and who take no responsibility, even if they are family. Dave Pelzer knows how to move on. He says that bad things happen to people every single day and we don’t want to get stuck in the past horrors. We have to give ourselves time to process what happened, feel our feelings, and decide what to do about the things that happen. We have to ask ourselves if we did what was right or if we did what was wrong. Bottom line, he says, is “be happy now damn it”. His book is advertised as follows:

“#1 New York Times Bestseller
#1 International Best Seller
On the New York Times Bestseller List for over 6 years

One Child’s Courage to Survive

A Child Called “It” is the unforgettable story of a child whose courage and unyielding determination enabled him to survive extreme life-threatening odds.

As a child, Dave was brutally beaten and starved by his emotionally unstable, alcoholic mother: a mother who played tortuous games–games that left him Dave nearly dead. With only his willpower to survive, Dave learned how to play his Mother’s sinister games in order to survive because she no longer considered Dave a son but a slave, and no longer a boy but an “It.”

Although A Child Called “It” contains situations of mistreatment Dave suffered, it is a real life story of the indomitable human spirit. This gripping account is told through the eyes of a child–who will pay any price in order to succeed.

The first part of a trilogy series, A Child Called “It” is currently translated in nearly forty languages and has been read by millions throughout the world. Dave is the living example that all of us have the capability to better ourselves no matter what the odds.

One’s life is forever changed after living through the eyes of A Child Called “It.”

Apple Podcasts produced by Dave Pelzer: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dave-pelzer-show/id1523082322


Kindness Matters, Truth Matters

After experiencing both a narcissistic and family scapegoating regime, I conclude there are two major values missing in these families: truth and authentic kindness. Instead of kindness, nurturing and respect, these families are permeated with:

  • rage
  • manipulation
  • deception
  • smear campaigns
  • undermining
  • guilt and shame
  • playing victim
  • gossiping to whoever will listen
  • scapegoating
  • violence
  • gaslighting
  • faking illness
  • psycho-emotional abuse
  • child abuse and neglect
  • substance abuse
  • affairs
  • religiosity
  • focus on looking good
  • hiding relationship crimes
  • using children as weapons
  • silent treatment
  • lack of empathy and nurturance
  • open, mutual, and respectful communication
  • lack of trust
  • fear of feelings
  • avoiding both individual and family therapy

Someone has to be a cycle-breaker so we become rooted deeper into love:

Recovery When Truth is Finally Recognized

“The ORDINARY RESPONSE TO ATROCITIES is to banish them from consciousness. Certain violations of the social compact are too terrible to utter aloud: this is the meaning of the word unspeakable.

Atrocities, however, refuse to be buried. Equally as powerful as the desire to deny atrocities is the conviction that denial does not work. Folk wisdom is filled with ghosts who refuse to rest in their graves until their stories are told. Murder will out. Remembering and telling the truth about terrible events are prerequisites both for the restoration of the social order and for the healing of individual victims.

The conflict between the will to deny horrible events and the will to proclaim them aloud is the central dialectic of psychological trauma. People who have survived atrocities often tell their stories in a highly emotional, contradictory, and fragmented manner that undermines their credibility and thereby serves the twin imperatives of truth-telling and secrecy. When the truth is finally recognized, survivors can begin their recovery. But far too often secrecy prevails, and the story of the traumatic event surfaces not as a verbal narrative but as a symptom.”
― Judith Lewis Herman, Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence – From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror

Song by Katy Perry “Roar” if you feel like you’ve had enough of FSA. “You held me down, but I got up…get ready cuz I’ve had enough. I see it all. I see it now!”

“Demon Face Syndrome?”

I have wondered, for a long time, if demonic entities are real and can live in or be attached to a human body.  I never fathomed that mainstream media (MSM) would end my wondering like they did this morning.  Now MSM is talking about “demon face syndrome”.  How can they just suddenly make up something like this?

I have learned that mainstream media (MSM) is controlled by the bad guys in our pathocracy. Since the bad guys control the narrative, all we get is “fake news”. I have recognized that psychological interpretations of behavior leave out spiritual interpretations and that both perspectives need to be integrated. During the plandemic, I learned that what MSM censors is the truth (so I do the opposite of what MSM tells me to do). I also learned that MSM is used to cover up how much humanity has been lied to for so long. So, now I wonder what MSM is covering up with publishing this fake syndrome and blaming those who see a “demon face”. 

I think we need to be ready for a very wacky year as our world is insane and becoming more insane by the day. The legacy of lies, from MSM, is being exposed in what is called the “Great Awakening”.  

In this pathocracy, I believe that MSM is controlled by personality disordered narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths (https://www.pathocracy.net/).  These controllers use MSM to push their false narrative.  The evil of narcissistic behavior is being pervasively exposed on the internet. People who are psychic can see demonic entities attached to narcissistic “human” beings.  The greatest fear of these personality disordered persons is to be exposed. They are being exposed as people spiritually awaken.

Planet Earth has never before seen such worldwide devastation, chaos, threat of extinction, genocide, deception, etc. Child trafficking is being exposed in addition to vast political corruption. I believe we are in a time of massive, cosmic transition which was predicted in ancient manuscripts. I believe the transition is the death of an archaic, anti-life system which is devastating to humanity if we do not stop it.  The controllers fear the end of their pathocracy and the exposure of their atrocities.  

This entire worldwide transition is becoming more biblical as predicted.   A diversity of ancient records document that demonic entities have been on the earth for a long time.  Now Rodriguez (in the video below) reports these entities are being seen on trail cams in national forests.  Meanwhile, when the entities walk among the human population, they shapeshift to take on the appearance of human beings so they fit in. 

I think of what M. Scott Peck, M.D. teaches in his book People of the Lie.  We become evil over a long period of time through a series of choices.  If we allow our hearts to harden and have no empathy, use people as if they are things, turn away from godly standards, and thrive by hating and hurting other people, we invite demonic entities.  If we are not aware of our spiritual reality, good versus evil, we make poor self-injurious choices.

Humanity, in crisis, desperately calls for spiritual awakening. We need to, individually, reflect on our lives and the choices we are making. We need to access support services as needed to transition away from depravity. I have learned that “all good psychotherapy is kind of like an exorcism! And, in my experience, all good psychotherapy does in fact combat lies” (pg. 185, People of the Lie). Humanity has spiritual authority over demonic energies and entities if we recognize what is going on in our midst and if do the right thing to protect ourselves and our loved ones.   

What is Happening in our Midst?

David Icke told us, over 30 years ago, that blood thirsty reptilians live among us. David was massively vilified and made fun of.  I remember disbelieving him when I first heard him talk about reptilians he described as an interdimensional race.  There was a media war against David Icke.  Now we learn he is a true pioneer in exposing truth about demonic entities and he is highly respected by many.  There are plenty of people in society who pretend to be who they are not.  These people live behind a mask to look good in public while some actually wear a latex mask.  

“The publisher claims that we are born into a world controlled by unseen forces that have plagued and manipulated humanity for thousands of years. David Icke exposes these forces and their methods of human control and he claims to reveal a fantastic web of global manipulation, orchestrated by forces beyond this physical realm.” https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/567751.Children_of_the_Matrix

PDF Summary of David Icke’s book Children of the Matrix:

“In his groundbreaking book Children of the Matrix, renowned researcher and visionary David Icke invites us to question the very fabric of our reality. Drawing upon decades of extensive research, he reveals a thought-provoking truth that challenges our perception of the world we live in. From the manipulation of our minds through mass media to the hidden agendas of the ruling elite, this thought-provoking exploration delves into the depths of the human experience and unveils a shocking revelation: We are not alone in this universe, and our lives may be controlled by an intricate web of hidden forces. Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey that will shatter the boundaries of your perception and ignite a yearning to uncover the truth that lies beneath the surface. Children of the Matrix is an awakening call for those who dare to question, inspiring readers to break free from the chains of illusion and take control of their own destinies.” https://www.bookey.app/book/children-of-the-matrix

Question the Very Fabric of Our Reality

Here is the video from David Nino Rodriguez which caused an epiphany for me. It helped me begin to connect the dots so I no longer wonder about the existence of demonic entities. MSM convinced me because they are trying to cover up a spiritual reality with a fake syndrome.

USA Today recently published an article about “demon face syndrome”. The author blames the person who starts seeing demonic entities rather than admit these entities live among us and have for a long time.  I have a book “Flying Serpents and Dragons, The Story of Mankind’s Reptilian Past” which is about “giant flying lizards and dragons which came to this planet” and can shapeshift.  It explains how the controllers in the pathocracy get their marching orders from these evil reptilians who are not human.  They cannot be human and have empathy when they commit the atrocities they do. 

‘I freaked out’: Man with ‘demon face syndrome’ hopes story can help other patients


The following are movies recommended in the Rodriguez’ video.  “They Live” is highly recommended for portraying how these entities may live among us:

They Live (1988) : John Carpenter : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers ( 1956) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

V S01:E01 – Pilot

The Visitation (2006)

Faculty: https://pluto.tv/en/on-demand/movies/5f7631e976c54900134c62a7

The Invasion (trailer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb1ueuCS3WU

Kanopy – Stream Classic Cinema, Indie Film and Top Documentaries

Jericho tv series: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0805663


Rebuilding After Religion Shatters for the Family Scapegoat (Part 2)

After seeing how both the false god of religion and satanism seek scapegoats, and how scapegoating is frequently life and death for those who are maliciously designated that role, I had to leave family of origin and religion. I left to survive, to rebuild health, and to build a healthy spiritual belief system. Universal spiritual beliefs made more sense to me because they are inclusive, they do not divide and conquer, and they do not designate scapegoats to carry blame and shame for other people.

Rabbai Shais Taub, in the video below, provides guidance with leaving narcissistic abuse, building a life-sustaining spiritual relationship with Creator God, and reparenting oneself. He guides with stating that the black sheep is most likely to be the first to leave a narcissistic family, break the pattern, and be the first “normal healthy person in your bloodline”. He says that if you were the one who was scapegoated and made into the black sheep, maybe the curse is a blessing because if anyone has a chance to get out of the sick system, it’s you. You are not benefiting from the system. The people who are benefiting from the system will perpetuate it until they die. At least you have a chance to get out of it!

“When you do get out of it, a massive spiritual awakening is awaiting you because that is the only way to survive”. The Rabbai says that God is a God of orphans. He adds that people who are orphans with parents who are alive, but who are not loving parents, know when it’s time to break free, start fresh, and parent yourself. When you do, know your support is coming from the “father of orphans”. The people who break free become incredibly spiritual and create an incredibly close relationship to God.

How to Parent Selflessly

After a lifetime of surviving self-absorbed narcissistic parents who use violence and manipulation to control children as if they are objects, I had to endlessly work alone, against great opposition, to break away from the family regime. It is terrifying to step out alone and forge a new path. I could not do it without spiritual guidance.

Spiritual guidance did not come in the form of religion. Spiritual guidance came from within especially in my darkest hours. Spiritual strength came even when I felt I could continue only by taking one step, one breath, at a time. Spiritual determination came even when I felt I might push the exit button if there was an easy way out of this tortured experience. Though I cannot say I had formulas that worked to get me through a long dark night of the soul, still my Spirit found a way through.

It seems mysterious to me. I kept saying “All we have is Spirit and the moment”. Maybe part of my survival is credited to developing a strong will to survive narcissism and family scapegoating. I was a rebel who was “stubborn” and could not comply to being abusive toward other human beings. Maybe it’s as simple as asking for spiritual guidance. I recall Caroline Myss stating, with a chuckle, that ‘god doesn’t need our help to get us to where we need to be’. Maybe our soul knows the way, if we simply ask, even when our head is stuck in the FOG (fear, obligation, and guilt) and when we are highly traumatized.

I had to learn healthy and functional behaviors for interacting in relationships. More importantly, I had to learn to implement discernment and boundaries to be safe from predators and energy vampires. With both narcissistic and family scapegoating abuse (FSA) currently being exposed, in volumes in our society, it is obviously time to break these dysfunctional, destructive patterns and to practice parenting which does not sacrifice a child.

Rabbai Shais Taub educates about how the fifth commandment in religion, to honor parents, is the most misunderstood commandment. He says that parents who insist on being honored, no matter how they treat their children, put a heavy burden on a child. Parents who feel entitled to demand honor set their children up to fail. For me I see it gives opportunity for parents to exploit their children, to use and abuse them, with no accountability. It demands that children be unquestionably obligated to respect their parents even when parents are not respectful toward their children.

The Rabbai says that healthy parents learn to let go of the demand and forego honor due to them. Instead he says “our job is to find it in our heart to be as compassionate and gentle with our children as possible.” Does that mean parents do not get the enormous amount of honor due to them? Yes, they forego that even though it’s well within their rights to demand it. He asks ‘do you want to be right or be happy’? Demanding honor does not bode well in relationships with human beings.

That to me means that we love unconditionally. It does not mean we roll over and let our children be disrespectful, walk all over us, and be abusive. It means we choose tough love as needed. It means when the “fury of hell” is unleashed, we hang tough. We hold on to self-respect and dignity while we stand alone to break these behavioral cycles. It means we stand in the gap and ‘love our children enough to stop them from doing foolish things’. “What they need in that moment is loving discipline that forces them to choose between good and bad alternatives. Genuine love demands toughness in moments of crisis”. (Love Must Be Tough, pg. 55).

It means that when we have lived a generational pattern of narcissism and children were reared by a sociopathic male parent, that one steady parent is there for them. It means if the child is a prodigal, estranged, taking anger out on the safe parent, the steady parent is there for them when they are ready to recover. Bottom line is that our children need support and guidance to find their own genuine path to God.

Children need a strong bond with their parents which adds to the moral strength of the child. The bond is based in knowing the parent has the child’s best interest at heart. The child feels loved and accepted. Rabbai Shais Taub says the worst form of abuse is parents who use children to meet their own emotional abuse because it’s the most insidious. It’s an inversion of the parent-child relationship. It’s called enmeshment, parentification, the child is used as the parent’s therapist or friend, as a pawn, or a shoulder to cry on. It’s a parent whose well-being is dependent on a child’s behavior. The parent benefits, not the child.

In my experience, the malignant narcissist needed compliance of children, for his well-being, or he would become violent and get drunk. The covert narcissist needed compliance of children or she would become martyr, end up in the emergency room, and send her flying monkeys. The sociopath needed compliance of children or he threatened abandonment, stalked and harassed, initiated custody battles, used children as pawns to pay less child support, bribed children with money and gifts, etc. (the list seems endless with ten years of harassment after divorce). These narcissistic parents steal from the child, and tear them down, rather than build them up.

When You Finally See the Energy Vampire in Narcissists

Danish Bashir describes, in this short video, how we transform when we spiritually awaken. We are conditioned, as children, to see parents as being God-like. As children, we need to believe they will protect and care for us. We may idealize them because we are vulnerable and dependent. If our parents have personality disorders, it is inevitable that we will have conflict with them.

As we mature, we have life crises. We start asking questions as we need to discover who we are apart from survival defenses we adopted in childhood. We start asking questions about who our parents are. We ask questions about other relationships in our lives. As we question, we become realistic, willing to mature and take responsibility for our lives. When we realize our parents are narcissists, it is a shock that takes time to integrate and accept. We see how growing up with narcissistic abuse negatively impacted our lives.

In fact, it is the most difficult psychological task to examine our parentage: “To come to terms with evil in one’s parentage is perhaps the most difficult and painful psychological task a human being can be called on to face. Most fail and so remain its victims. Those who fully succeed in developing the necessary searing vision are those who are able to name it. (M. Scott Peck, People of the Lie, pg. 130)

Narcissistic Abuse and Spiritually Naming It

I used to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. I was naive and, unknowingly, suffered a fawn trauma response from childhood trauma. Through the school of hard knocks, I began to unceasingly ask questions to understand how evil works in this world. I am curious and have a natural thirst for knowledge.

I accessed higher education and earned university degrees in both Criminal Justice and Social Work. The education caused me to look at the world through the eyes of secular psychology. Secular psychology is necessary for gaining innerstanding of human behavior. At the same time, I believe we cannot leave out spirituality or we have fallen into the trap of arrogance. The trap is thinking we have evolved so far in our modern age that we can ignore ancient spiritual truths which are rooted in the origins of humanity. 

I study to integrate spirituality and psychology with surviving both narcissism and family scapegoating. I typically refer to the work of M. Scott Peck, M.D. His book People of the Lie is foundational for helping me to innerstand what evil truly is. Dr. Peck states that evil is in opposition to life and is a life and death issue. Evil people are actually willing to sacrifice the very life of their own child. 

Dr. Peck states that “evil is revolting because it is dangerous. It will contaminate or otherwise destroy a person who remains too long in its presence. Unless you know very well what you are doing, the best thing you can do when faced with evil is to run the other way. The revulsion counter-transference is an instinctive or, if you will, God-given and saving early-warning radar system.” (pg. 65, People of the Lie). 


Narcissism and Scapegoating is Evil

No child wants to believe that their parent(s) is evil. As children, we are vulnerable and need to believe our parents will love and care for us. If we are the family scapegoat, we get singled out for excessive abusive behavior from parents which is confusing. We do not innerstand what we did wrong when we are punished and hated for having moral standards and for being a truthteller. It is most confusing when scapegoats are punished because narcissistic parents do not want to be exposed for their bad behavior. To avoid exposure, they confabulate a reason so they can blame and shame the scapegoat (projective identification). 

I recently identified malignant narcissism in both parents. In People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil, M. Scott Peck argues that evil is a sickness and should be considered a psychiatric diagnosis. He states that malignant narcissism is characterized by an unsubmitted will (pg. 78). Clinically, narcissistic personality disorder is linked to other personality disorders, including borderline personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. It has recently been included, with psychopathy and Machiavellianism, as one of the dark triad personalities. 

M. Scott Peck states: “the existing broad category of personality disorders currently covers those psychiatric conditions in which the denial of personal responsibility is the predominant feature. By virtue of their unwillingness to tolerate the sense of personal sin and the denial of their imperfection, the evil easily fit into this broad diagnostic category. There is even within this class a subcategory entitled ‘narcissistic personality disorder’. It would, I believe, be quite appropriate to classify evil people as constituting a specific variant of the narcissistic personality disorder” (pg. 128). M. Scott Peck’s proposed “evil” subtype of narcissistic personality disorder is distinguished from psychopathy by the use of self-deception to keep the emotional consequences of his or her crimes out of conscious awareness.

It is a sad day when the family scapegoat realizes their parent(s) have personality disorders and are evil. The family scapegoat faces the fact that their parent(s) were willing to sacrifice their child in order to preserve their sick selves. The family scapegoat has to get away because the evil are intellectually devious and will persist with various, manipulative tactics to coerce the scapegoat back into the narcissistic family regime. They coerce not because they genuinely love their child. They coerce because they need a punching bag. 

Ancient Origins of Narcissism

Once the family scapegoat is spiritually awakened, they see that narcissism is traced back to ancestors and that it’s a recurring cycle which passed through generations. Denzo Mos, in the video below, states that the “whole thing is ancient spiritual warfare” between forces of good and evil. The goal of the dark, spiritual entities behind narcissism is to take as much energy as they can.  Energy is on a spiritual plane of light and darkness. When the family scapegoat awakens, they can see what is called evil in front of them. 

It is scary to realize that persons with a personality disorder are not aware of what is happening to them. Narcissistic parents often don’t know who they are. They traumatize good people so they can lower their vibration, keep them in a fear state, and make them easier to control. They know the empathic family scapegoat vibrates at a love frequency. The narcissists focus on wearing down the scapegoat so they become hateful like the narcissist. They do not care if they cause illness or injury in the scapegoat. Denzo states that narcissists are like robots, when taken over by entities, who steal, kill and destroy.  

Denzo also states that narcissists come into your life by design. On a spiritual level, they know the Light in the empathic family scapegoat and gravitate toward it. They hate the Light so that is the first thing they try to destroy in the empath. That is why the empath is attacked for no reason. For me, listening to Denzo, I recalled the sociopath calling me “sunshine” when we first met. Now I see why. He recognized the Light in me and set out to destroy it.

Do Archons Walk Among Us? 

Once I accepted the psychological reality of evil in parentage, it was another step to fully accept it as a spiritual reality. M. Scott Peck, M.D. states: “It happens, then, that the children of evil parents enter adulthood with very significant psychiatric disturbances. We have been working with such victims, often very successfully, for many years without ever having to employ the word ‘evil’. But it is doubtful that some can be wholly healed of their scars from having had to live in close quarters with evil without correctly naming the source of their problems.

To come to terms with evil in one’s parentage is perhaps the most difficult and painful psychological task a human being can be called on to face. Most fail and so remain its victims. Those who fully succeed in developing the necessary searing vision are those who are able to name it ” (pg. 130, People of the Lie). Dr. Peck states that human evil is common. 

In developing the necessary searing vision, I turned to David Icke who has a vast amount of research on reptilian entities. He used to be laughed at about his reptilian “conspiracy”. Currently, he is highly respected. So, I ask what he means by reptilian. David Icke has literally wrote tens of thousands of pages about current world events, scientific studies, ancient archaeology, myths and religions, etc. that weave together his belief in the reptilians. The belief includes the fact that these beings have been on earth a long time and that they shapeshift. 

Famous Reptilians

“Much of the theory’s popularity comes from Icke’s interpretations of Gnostic texts such as the Nag Hammadi, as well as biblical Apocrypha like the Dead Sea Scrolls. He says he believes these texts contain evidence that certain higher vibrational beings of frequency, known as Archons, appear on Earth as humans, masking their true reptilian form. These ‘Archontic’ forces are undoubtedly evil, intent on enslaving humanity for their own selfish reasons.

These “Archontic” forces are undoubtedly evil, intent on enslaving humanity for their own selfish reasons. Icke says these forces are like a computer virus that manifested itself in elite bloodlines throughout mankind’s history. Also known to use their most infamous arm of clandestine influence, the Illuminati, these famous Reptilian shapeshifters form a psychopathic ruling class that pulls the strings in all of the world’s financial and political power structures.

Reptilian References in Ancient Cultures

Icke says there is mention in the Nag Hammadi of not just Reptilians, but also the Greys, commonly reported as one of the less-than-friendly alien species humans encounter. These, too, are manifestations of the negative Archontic form, he says.

Icke also points to the Old Testament, in which the Nephilim, a.k.a. the ‘fallen ones’ fit into his theory of a descendent race infiltrating humanity. Some translations interpret the Nephilim as giants or others as fallen angels, but in both cases, they interbred with humans. Icke says these are the Reptilians, and depictions of them can be seen throughout disparate religions and cultures in antiquity, worshipped as gods or demi-gods like the Nephilim.

Another piece of evidence for this theory comes from the fact that many religions in ancient civilizations depict some sort of reptilian god or goddess which supports David Icke’s theory that these reptilian beings once ruled in the open and created impossible structures such as the Pyramids of Egypt.” https://www.gaia.com/article/david-ickes-famous-reptilians-conspiracy-do-they-walk-among-us

I consulted various sources to see whether I could validate David Icke’s literature on reptilians. Several sources include James Gilliland and R. A. Boulay in addition to recent literature I read on spirit attachments. The author Boulay wrote the book Flying Serpents and Dragons: The Story of Mankind’s Reptilian Past. He gives evidence that our ancestors were not human mammals like us but an alien reptilian form. For me, what I know for sure, is that we have been lied to so much and for so long that I continuously look for truth. I also tend to believe the opposite of what we’ve been taught in this deceptive, pathocracy matrix. 

They Live

I conclude that narcissistic family members are influenced by psychic bonds, trauma bonds, spirit attachment and/or spirit possession. I conclude that psychology and spirituality need to be integrated in order to fully understand narcissism and sociopathy. These people, who have lived a lifetime of being abusive, lacking empathy, being deceptive, and having no remorse are not human any longer. They are like teflon. They are influenced by the demonic as taught in the Christian religion I was raised in as a child. 

I include the following movie clip to portray what it is like when we spiritually awaken and start seeing through distractions, deceptions, and people who are inhumane. Once the scapegoat spiritually awakens, we see evil for what it is. We see narcissism which destroys and lies to cover up relationship crimes. We see people of the lie who refuse to get treatment for either themselves and/or their families.  

For me, I never imagined this would be my life – having to leave family in order to survive because personality disorders (demonic entities) scapegoat and destroy. It takes time and healing to get to the place where family scapegoats accept the reality of loved ones who despise one child. Rebecca C. Mandeville, LMFT, CCTP says it calls for “radical acceptance”.