When the World Enables Sociopaths


I remember doing “everything right”, per religious dictates, with the sociopath:

  • conservative values when dating
  • faithful to husband
  • prayed for husband
  • maintained sexual relationship in marriage
  • bible study groups in home
  • when adulterous, he chose to leave the marriage rather than to get marital counseling

As the marriage was failing, I questioned religious indoctrination. I concluded, after decades of questioning religion and then choosing spirituality over religion, that religion is incredibly toxic and dysfunctional. It has many contradictions. It is based in fear and guilt rather than empowering the human being to feel connected and guided with a life enriching source of energy. Religion tried to fit everything into a small, limiting box of beliefs rather than expanding our minds and hearts to infinite possibilities of what truly exists in our universe. I conclude that sociopaths, who tampered with religion and the bible, intentionally created an oppressive and deceitful system of beliefs to maintain domination and control. https://beyondthemediamatrix.net/

I remember thinking that if God hates divorce, as taught in religious circles, then God must love abuse. In other words, I starting rethinking bible verses. I remember my husband (sociopath) at the time accusing me after his adultery was exposed. He said “if I was such a good Christian, I should forgive him”. This is the incredible religious brainwashing that keeps women who are being abused stuck unless they get deprogrammed! The brainwashing goes on and on:

“Anna Duggar did everything right*.


“Anna was raised in a conservative Christian home. She dressed modestly, and when she met Josh they practiced courtship instead of traditional dating. She married with her parent’s blessing. She saved her first kiss for marriage. She became the ultimate submissive wife. She spoke honorably of her husband, and always stood by his side.

When he committed adultery against her, she forgave him and remained in the marriage (despite evidence to show the behavior did not stop). She became his accountability partner for his addiction. She gave him lots and lots of sex, and birthed seven children for him. She clung to her faith when her marriage began to fall apart, and prayed earnestly for her husband.

Anna did everything right*. And yet, tragically, everything went so, so wrong. Five years after his adulterous secret life was revealed, her husband will be tried on November 30th for charges of receiving and possessing child sex abuse material. While Anna certainly is a victim of her unfaithful husband, let’s not forget she is also a victim of a toxic belief system that has been engrained into her by fundamentalist Christianity for the entirety of her life.

How many more stories like Anna need to happen before the fundamentalist church realizes that their messages concerning submission, sex, divorce, purity culture, and patriarchy, aren’t working? After all, Anna did everything she was told to do to be guaranteed a safe and happy marriage. Perhaps, maybe, the problem isn’t Anna but instead the fact that she married an abusive man and the church refused to give her the support she needed to remain safe?

When will the church face the fact that the good/godly actions of one spouse cannot change the abusive behavior of another spouse? When will they realize that the brazen promises of the purity movement and courtship movement are flawed and empty? When will the church start telling women like Anna that there is nothing a wife can do to make her abusive husband change? When will they tell her that giving him more sex will not cure his addiction? When will they tell her that practicing courtship will not divorce-proof or affair-proof her marriage? When are they going to start telling her that his abuse is not her fault?

When are they going to tell her that by leaving an abuser and protecting her kids, she is not breaking her marriage vows (after all, he was the one break the covenant)? When are they going to tell her that God cares about her safety and her children’s safety, and that He created divorce as a means of protecting the vulnerable?

Until the church starts changing its message to these victims and stops pointing the blame on them and telling them that they just need to submit more, or pray more, or give him more sex, women will continue to stay in these abusive marriages, believing that it’s God’s will for them and they have no other choice.

Josh Duggar is not the only one who needs to be held accountable for their actions, the church does as well. ~ Emily Elizabeth Anderson

* Right as in what the church told her what was the “right” thing to do in order to please God. Which in reality, is not healthy or safe or true at all.”

Religious Focus on Purity While Women are Murdered

Traditionally, the church has focused on the woman loving her husband, forgiving her husband, supporting her husband and always standing by his side, submitting to her husband, etc. It is a perfect setup for being made a victim if one has the misfortune of marrying an abusive and violent spouse i.e. a narcissist or sociopath. It keeps women who are being abused, in a vicious cycle of trying harder to please the sociopath rather than focusing on protection for herself and her children.

“That men have been killing women for millennia isn’t news.” 

 “Violence is one way to silence people, to deny their voice and their credibility, to assert your right to control over their right to exist. About three women a day are murdered by spouses or ex-spouses in this country. It’s one of the main causes of death in pregnant women in the U.S. At the heart of the struggle of feminism to give rape, date rape, marital rape, domestic violence, and workplace sexual harassment legal standing as crimes has been the necessity of making women credible and audible.”

“To break the silence you need a voice, but you also need the confidence to make it heard.”

The term gaslighting doesn’t quite do justice to the upside-down crazy-making sensation of having your experience of reality denied.”

“The problem of gender-based violence is often not discussed as much as it should be because it exists in silence, so people may not realize how big an issue it is. ‘It’s an under-reported, under-acknowledged, under-resourced, silenced issue,” Ross says. “It’s a community issue, it’s a social issue, it’s a family issue.’”

Work to Make Visible the Unspoken Sea of Violence Against Women

“Even if it sometimes feels like there’s nothing you can say to fundamentally shift reality, you still need to keep saying it over and over again, especially if it feels repetitive, exhausting, demoralizing. In this the act of writing, of sharing stories, of telling the truth is cumulative, laid down in sedimentary layers over a lifetime. The process can feel interminable, but eventually it leads up from the bottom of the sea towards the light and the air.” 



Mainstream Media

  • Is mainstream media (MSM) exposing the sea of violence against women?
  • Is MSM holding sociopaths accountable or covering up crimes?
  • Is MSM telling the truth about what is happening on Planet Earth?
  • Who controls MSM and the narrative?
  • Why are there so many lies and propaganda these days?
  • Why is there unending fear mongering, tyrannical control, and division? (sociopaths always use divide and conquer tactics)
  • Why is there so much chaos?
  • Why is there unprecedented unrest on Planet Earth?
  • Why is freedom being destroyed?
  • Who can we trust?
  • When have we had enough of this flood of evil which enables and promotes violence, destruction, and death?
  • Will humanity survive?
  • Will humanity fight back against tyranny?



People Who Prefer Comfort Over Truth

It is time to question everything! It is time to see what evil truly is! It is time to tell the truth about what evil truly is and how a network of global criminals is at the root of the problem on Planet Earth:



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