Sociopathic Abuse on Individual and Collective Levels

Domestic abuse is an epidemic. When we suffer domestic abuse, we initially experience denial. We don’t want to believe what is happening, we are confused and, worse, traumatized. Our brain experiences cognitive dissonance and our body experiences adrenalized fight flight biochemistry to survive. We suffer trauma-based mind control. As empaths, we often stay too long in these destructive relationships. When we try to escape, we face threat of injury or death.

I see a parallel in society. We are suffering collective abuse and tyranny. Many are staying too long with following the crowd. Many are confused and traumatized. Many are going along with gaslighting and do not ask questions. Many are not digging deep and doing research until they see the motives of the global abusers. Many need to ask themselves: “Why am I staying and tolerating this abuse?”

Historically, the victim-survivor has been blamed for staying too long. This blame comes from people who don’t want to grow up and who want authority figures to tell them what to do and what to think. The blame comes from people who are aligned with the patriarchy which is misogynistic toward female victims. The blame comes from people aligned with religious and political victim blaming ideologies. The sociopaths, in the patriarchy, always point the finger of blame so no one points the finger at them and their barbaric behaviors.

Many continue to believe the dominant narrative – mainstream media. They look to the government, the state, to be like mommy and daddy to protect them. They believe the government cares about them though lives are being destroyed. They judge, blame, and attack those who speak truth rather than do their individualized search for truth about reality. They refuse to open their minds, to think outside the box, to question authority. to take responsibility to think and to care for self.

Meanwhile, the abusive controllers escalate their abuse. The abusive sociopaths seek a thrill. They need more and more of the thrill because they have a sick addiction. They need the reward of the dopamine hit they get from hurting and exploiting other people. As dopamine gets depleted, they suffer boredom and a feeling of emptiness which causes them to intensity the harm they do to others. At the same time, they fear being found out for being mediocre and for not being what they claim to be. They use DARVO: they deny, attack, and reverse the victim and offender to avoid exposure.

Collective Abuse

What about the level of abuse in our society? How long will we tolerate the abuse and why are we tolerating the abuse? We tolerate and deny for the same/similar reasons as the battered woman. We are born into a world which is founded in historical traumas which get passed on from one generation to the nest. The abusers know how human beings’ primal brain reacts to stress and trauma. They use trauma to disempower their targets. We keep repeating trauma scenarios until we wake up and say “enough!”.

The only way out is to face reality, relentlessly search for truth, resolve our traumas, and create something new. We can write down what the abusers are doing so we can face reality and wake up. If not, we stay stuck in the victim position and can no longer blame battered women. We must stay with humility because we are all vulnerable to exploitation from abusive, tyrannical controllers.

The video below, and description above, helps to explain how both individualized and collective victims of sociopaths often stay asleep rather than face reality. The video is an interview with a trauma coach and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich ( Meanwhile, the sociopaths are “laughing their asses off” that humanity is so stupid as to follow their fabricated dictates:

Turning Point

The turning point is when we collectively wake up and unite against abusive, tyrannical sociopathic abuse. We choose to leave! and evolve! We choose a healthier path. We heal the trauma and connect with a massive wave of people who determine to put an end to sociopathic abuse.

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