The Sociopath Through the Eyes of a Child

The following is a song by “We Are True Patriots”. It is emotionally stirring to think about the destruction we see all around us in our world today. The devastation is because of evil among us destroying both the families we love and our collective family. The message in the song is that we see our leaders falter, there is unrest in homes and cities, pain is forgotten, and chaos is banging at our door. There are “whispers of night through cries of despair, our culture is dying, gasping for air.

We build homes for the strangers, offer them our bread, while our heroes sleep cold, no roof over their heads. Why must our people suffer, left out in the rain, while strangers we owe nothing, lay claim to our domain? Our culture we must save, before the migrant wave, where harmony once stood, before the tidal wave. As strangers flood our shores, our ways they try to bend. For the sake of our children we’ll defend them til the end. We yearn for a land where our women can walk safe, no fear of the shadows, no need to be brave where children safely play under the sun’s watchful eye, in streets that are safe where no dangers lie.”

Sociopaths Destroy Their Own Children While They Love Strangers

Devastation and despair are palpable. It is seen in both our individual families and our collective family. Our collective family, humanity, is suffering, gasping for air, and dying because of global sociopathic predators, greed, lust for power, and a political hierarchy of corruption. I see warriors fighting back against these dark, insatiable forces. For many, standing up and resisting evil tragically costs them their lives. We must pray, join our hearts, and seek judgment for ruthless predators.

When I listened to the lyrics about land and bread given to strangers while survival needs of heroes go unmet, I thought of how the steve sociopath ignored the survival needs of children. I thought of how ruthless he was to three, young, biological children who struggled to survive while he catered to his new family of strangers. He did not care while my heart ached with seeing hearts of my children broken. He enjoyed seeing the suffering he caused and hoped I would not survive. I thought of what karma he would reap from causing such great harm to innocent children.

I thought about how I was conned by the steve sociopath for so long. I was conditioned and traumatized since birth because of both narcissistic and family scapegoating abuse (FSA). The sociopath was deeply imprinted with being deceptive, brutal, without empathy and conscience. I had no education about narcissistic and FSA and became exhausted and physically ill after decades of family mobbing. It was throw away time, the discard phase, for the sociopath when I became ill because illness was a burden which enraged him.

With divorce, the sociopath put children in the middle for use as weapons to maintain control. Vulnerable children were subjected to the sociopath’s unrelenting verbal abuse and gaslighting and were turned into robots who had to do his bidding. The sociopath was obsessed for ten years after divorce which meant we suffered until he got everything he wanted.

I see how long it takes to come to terms with seeing one’s own father as being evil and not caring whether a child lives or dies. How could young children make sense of a sociopath who went to church and worshipped but who suddenly ripped off his narcissistic mask and showed demonic true colors? I include comments below, from my three children, who knew something was dreadfully wrong with their father. The following are excerpts from my book Spellbreaker, Transcending Violence (pgs. 106-111):

1: “I came from a middle-class family. We were a religious family who spent a lot of time together going on camping vacations, boating, swimming and doing lots of outdoor activities. My parents got a divorce. My father didn’t want us kids so he didn’t ask for custody until the day before the court hearing. My father continually harassed my mother for years. He continually disrupted his visitation schedule. He used me as another way to hurt her.

I don’t remember thinking much about what was going on at the time. I remember feelings of anger and crying, but basically I think I was numb and I denied how much, what my father, did really hurt. I also felt numb after my mother moved. I repressed feelings of anger, sadness and I told myself that I did not love her. I felt that nobody cared and I didn’t care if I lived. I developed severely destructive patterns of behaviors to feel loved and to feel better and to feel no pain.

I really wanted to believe that my dad cared and my mom was lying. But when I stepped back and took a look, I saw that my mom (no matter how she gets treated by us kids) she still consistently gives & gives to the family and she cares. She genuinely loves and stayed with us. But my dad only cares about things & himself. He chose between us & a whore 6-7 years ago- it took me a long time to see that – so he deserves to sit and rot til he can atone for it all”.

2: “If you were lied to by your father, had your own belongings stolen from you by your father (Nintendo games, etc.), beaten by your father, and rejected by your father for other kids and their mom, would you still want to have a relationship with him. You tell me. I have never once heard a sincere apology from you. You’ve never made an effort to apologize to me. You’ve just kept the blame on me telling me you wish I would just forget it all and start over. Well sorry, I can’t forget it all. You’ve screwed up the last 4 years of my life with your divorce and affair. You’re the one that made the decision to go out and screw around that stupid slut, a poor excuse for a women. I’m not as stupid as you may think. I’m not falling for your bull like most other people have. When I was living with you, you’d rather go out to party, get drunk, than to do anything with your kids, your kids. You gave up your real family with a wonderful mother and 3 kids, for a woman who enjoys going to bars and going to bed with guys she hardly knows along with 2 kids who aren’t even yours, who sniff glue and use weegy boards. You should of thought a little longer before you gave us up.

3: “I think he is mean and abusive, psychopath, not good dad” (spoken from the mouth of my youngest child before anyone diagnosed the steve sociopath). This was a child who came home crying from visitation feeling like his father didn’t love him.

Coming to Terms With Evil

The devastation, despair, and confusion caused by evil is horrifying. I know what it’s like to live in denial and think parents are perfect and that the child is the problem. I know this because I lived it. Once I did the extensive work of recovery from both narcissistic and family scapegoating abuse, I came to a much different conclusion than fantasizing parents as perfect. I finally developed the necessary searing vision to see evil in parentage and to name it. Though facing reality is quite disturbing, it is not as painful and destructive as remaining in the midst of an evil, narcissistic regime. Now that I have accomplished this painful psychological task, I know my children can do the same if they decide to stop being victim to narcissists and sociopaths.

Our hearts are broken because of sociopaths. Many families and our nation are falling apart. I believe the global predators, evil, is destroying everything we hold dear. Divorce, domestic violence, narcissism, poverty, chronic illness, estrangement, substance abuse, chaos, threat of war, suicide, homicide, propaganda, deception, insanity etc. dominate as the norm. Sociopaths steal, kill, and destroy. This devastation is loosh for sociopaths because they enjoy watching other people suffer. They do not care about anyone, including a child(ren), who gets in their way. My children were tormented by the sociopath because they were only pawns on the chessboard of life to be used for his self-centered win.

I think judgement is upon both the steve sociopath and this nation as we face a huge wakeup call. Just like the steve sociopaths who need to be held accountable, so do the global sociopaths. We must never enable evil and, instead, we must fight for doing the right thing. We must fight to the end for the sake of our children. At the same time we face wake up calls, we remember that God is in the middle of the chaos and spiritual madness. I think there is a bright future, for families and humanity, if we wake up and return to living Godly lives.

Hoping the Blind Will See: The Prayer of the Family Scapegoat

Angel Studios has produced another great movie: “Sight”. Sight is based in a true story about a violent uprising in China between 1966 and 1969. The story is about Dr. Ming Wang who survived, along with his family, and went on to become an eye surgeon. His family came to America while Dr. Ming Wang obviously suffered PTSD from massive loss, violence, and trauma.

The violence, in my opinion, came from sociopaths who felt self-entitled to rule over other people even if they had to kill to meet their objectives. Sociopaths thrive off of causing and seeing destruction and pain in the people they assault. They don’t care. The people they inflict their crimes on did nothing wrong. They were only teachers, children, families, friends, and members of the community who happened to get in the way of the predator perpetrators.

In this case, the evil backfired only to make Dr. Ming Wang a sought-after healer who brings sight to the blind. “Dr. Ming Wang, Harvard & MIT (MD, magna cum laude), PhD (laser physics, University of Maryland), is a world-class cataract and LASIK eye surgeon, philanthropist, and community activist. He is the founding director of Wang Vision Institute and a Clinical Professor for Meharry Medical College, both in Nashville, TN.” He is another example of people who survive harsh life experiences, transform, and return to help the community. Joseph Campbell calls this transformation the heroic journey.

In this case, with those who view the movie “Sight”, crimes of the sociopaths are exposed worldwide. True stories and Angel Studios make it possible to expose sociopaths and empaths, good versus evil, so the general public is aware of those who walk among us.

Dr. Ming Wang website:

China’s Cultural Revolution

“China’s Cultural Revolution was a rebellion that unfolded from within the party state, with party cadres seizing power from their superiors.

China’s Cultural Revolution – a rebellion that followed Chairman Mao’s appeal in 1966 to reassert communist ideology in China – was a brutal conflict that according to new calculations by Stanford sociologist Andrew Walder led to the deaths of 1.6 million people.

Until now, historians have had only rough approximations of how many people died as a result of the violence and chaos that unfolded between 1966 and 1969. Walder’s estimation – based on an original analysis of more than 2,200 city and local annals that document close to 34,000 violent revolutionary episodes across China during that period – is one of several new findings to emerge from this original research.”’s%20Cultural%20Revolution%20%E2%80%93%20a%20rebellion,deaths%20of%201.6%20million%20people.

Prayer of the Family Scapegoat

I see this movie as a metaphor for surviving sociopaths as an empath. An empath lives in this world which brims over with narcissistic abuse. For me, I didn’t innerstand why people could be mean and insensitive. I couldn’t innerstand what I was doing wrong to be the target for so much unending rage.

Now I know I did nothing wrong to be the target for so much rage. It was the unfortunate life experience of being reared in both a narcissistic and scapegoating family. In addition, I was reared in a patriarchal, hierarchical culture which did not value women. I went on to become educated about personality disorders and am no longer blind about what evil truly is. I want others to see so they are not victimized by people with these disorders. It is horrifying to be the target for persons who have no empathy in their hearts and who enjoy controlling, hurting and killing other people.

I now pray the blind will see and join with bringing in the light on this planet so evil no longer prospers in the darkness.

Ultimate Revenge on the Narcissist Uncovers a Disturbing Reality

Danish Bashir is a psychologist who specializes in narcissistic abuse. In the video below, he states:

“The narcissist is going to feel the most disappointed when they won’t see you struggling the way they expected you to struggle – when they won’t see you suffering – when they won’t see you squirming in pain. Why is that important to them? Because your failure, you falling apart, your breakdown is their success. How so? They are extremely insecure. When they cause harm to other people, it means victory to them. It means they have won. When you fall apart, it’s like ‘yes, mission successful. I am as powerful as I like to believe about myself’. That is why they want to keep you trapped in the dark dungeon of the trauma they inflict, they cause.

The moment you spread your wings, the moment you rise from the ashes and you start flying, is the moment when you take your real revenge on them.”


As an empath and truthteller, I felt deeply for my family. During my early years of being involved in religion, I prayed for them. I was self-sacrificial. I believed in family and romanticized how family loves one another and would do all they can to support and protect one another.

After decades of surviving violence, substance abuse, adultery, stalking, betrayal, scapegoating, silent treatment, psycho-emotional abuse, chronic health issues because of family mobbing, etc., I faced the reality that a narcissistic family is death oriented if one does not comply and cover-up relationship crimes. When I began recovery, seeking and speaking truth, family became a rage filled, vicious mob which surrounded me.

Some openly raged and attacked me with both physical and verbal abuse. Some used emotional abuse by withdrawing, refusing to talk, gossiped, and ran smear campaigns behind my back. Some used me when they needed something and then ghosted once again. They used withholding of children and grandchildren as weapons to hurt me as deeply as possible. Some pretended to care about me to my face while stabbing me in the back when not in their presence. They enjoyed leaving me out of holidays, family gatherings, mother’s days, birthdays, graduations, and births. They all thrived with their fake bonding by joining together to destroy me. Their rage was hard for me to comprehend. I questioned why?

Being an empath, I do not like hurting other people. It is hard for me to comprehend that family can enjoy destroying one family member. It has been an extremely harsh learning curve to recognize that family members need tough love and need to feel hurt when they are obsessed with hurting me. If I refuse to use tough love, I fail to have boundaries. If I make excuses, stay stuck in the tender trap and avoid hurting feelings of other people, I become a doormat. I believe being stuck in the tender trap and hoping for change are the downfalls of the empath.

Being stuck in the place of not wanting to hurt other people made it very hard to believe that family wants me to suffer. When I finally accepted the reality that a narcissistic family predominantly cares about power, control and compliance, I concluded they believe in punishment. To me, a narcissistic family seems more like a nazi regime or a cult than the romanticized fantasy we generally have in society about family. I accept the fact that my family does not care about my genuine feelings, needs, nor the safety I need to recover. Instead, they bond and enjoy seeing the empath be destroyed because then they feel they won!

The Narcissist: Lack of Empathy

Radical Acceptance

How much evidence does one need to finally believe and accept the reality that narcissistic people in narcissistic family regimes do NOT CARE about the feelings and needs of the family scapegoat? How many decades of abuse, neglect followed by no remorse nor offers of reparations does it take? When do we accept the gravity of being born into a family which lacks empathy? When do we have radical acceptance for the fact that the narcissistic family regime destroys because the false narrative, the lie, is more important to them than truth and accountability.

I will not be their victim. I will not volunteer for one more second of being their family scapegoat. If they refuse to change, they have lost one daughter for life. They thought their manipulations, lies, and bullying would gain my compliance. They failed because I got to the place where I felt strong enough and well enough to walk away for good. I earned my college degrees and license to practice and can now diagnose all of their mental health disorders. I do so for my own survival and innerstanding but not to change them. I never recommend egoic revenge and confronting a person who has a personality disorder (who takes no responsibility and lacks empathy) with the truth about who they are. They hate exposure.

High Profile Sociopaths

Sociopaths are ruthless as they steal, kill and destroy. They profess their innocence, even with tears, and wear a false sense of empathy. They take, take, take from others, with no reciprocity, to maintain power and control. If they do give to others, it is with a deceptive agenda of getting what they want in return. They are pathological liars who have no remorse.

Sociopaths believe they are superior to other human beings. Their public image is more important to them than being an authentic human being. They think they are entitled to have whatever they want, whenever they want it, and will stoop to whatever it takes to get what they want. They are great actors who will use children to get what they want. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing and, I believe, influenced by demonic energies because they chose to disconnect from the Divine. Their choice to disconnect from Divine occurred over a long period of time through a series of choices.

I clearly recall the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman many years ago. The trial occurred while I was struggling to get away from the Steve sociopath. I recall living in fear, seeking how I could protect myself and our children, as he stalked, harassed, and assaulted. Separation from an abuser and stalking are what typically precedes murder of the sociopath’s target.

Back then, I believed OJ Simpson was guilty of double murder. To me, it was obvious that he fit the profile of the jealous ex-husband who believed ‘if I can’t have you, nobody else can’. To me, it made perfect sense that the “hall of fame” athlete could not bear to have his public image tarnished. It was a narcissistic injury which his extreme arrogance would not tolerate. He was found guilty of double murder in his civil trial. He went on to commit unrelated armed robbery and kidnapping.  Was there any genuine care for his children? No. He lived out his life proving he has no conscience nor empathy.

OJ Simpson Dies
Former NFL star OJ Simpson died Wednesday at the age of 76 after a battle with prostate cancer, his family announced. Off the field, Simpson was charged with and acquitted of the double murder of his ex-wife and her friend. 

He was arrested in 1994—following one of the most famous police chases in US history—for allegedly killing Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. The subsequent trial, dubbed “the trial of the century,” ended in his acquittal but sparked debates on race, domestic abuse, celebrity privilege, and more. He was later found liable for their deaths in a civil trial and separately spent nine years in prison for unrelated armed robbery and kidnapping charges. 

A Heisman Trophy winner, Simpson was the first NFL running back to rush for over 2,000 yards in a single season in 1973 and was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985. He switched to acting and went on to appear in multiple films, including three “Naked Gun” movies. See New York Times original coverage of the trial here.

June 17, 1994: Robert Kardashian Reads Simpson’s Letter

At a news conference, Robert Kardashian, a friend of Mr. Simpson’s, read a letter that he said Mr. Simpson had written just before he was to turn himself in.

First, everyone understand I have nothing to do with Nicole’s murder. I loved her. I always have and I always will. If we had a problem, it’s because I loved her so much. …

I think of my life and feel I’ve done most of the right things so why do I end up like this? I can’t go on. No matter what the outcome people will look and point. I can’t take that. I can’t subject my children to that. This way they can move on and go on with their lives. Please, if I’ve done anything worthwhile in my life, let my kids live in peace from you, the press.

I’ve had a good life. I’m proud of how I lived. My mama taught me to do unto others. I treated people the way I wanted to be treated. I’ve always tried to be up and helpful. So why is this happening? I’m sorry for the Goldman family. I know how much it hurts.”

Fraud Death Sentence
Real estate tycoon Truong My Lan was sentenced to death yesterday for siphoning $12.5B from Saigon Joint Stock Commercial Bank. It is the largest fraud case in Vietnam’s history and comes amid a government-led crackdown on corruption. 

Lan is the 68-year-old chairwoman of Van Thinh Phat Holdings Group, a real estate firm tied to high-end properties (see list). From 2011 to 2022, Lan used shell companies and proxies to gain control of over 90% of SCB. She then secured loan approvals to ghost companies, tapping SCB for cash and stealing the equivalent of over 3% of Vietnam’s gross domestic product. Her loans accounted for 93% of SCB’s total lending. Lan and co-conspirators were also convicted of bribing officials $5.2M to overlook violations. 

The trial comes as Vietnam’s Communist Party engages in “blazing furnace,” a campaign to crack down on corruption amid its effort to attract foreign investment. Vietnam allows for the death penalty for violent and white-collar crimes and is believed to trail China and Iran as the world’s third-biggest executioner.”

“Demon Face Syndrome?”

I have wondered, for a long time, if demonic entities are real and can live in or be attached to a human body.  I never fathomed that mainstream media (MSM) would end my wondering like they did this morning.  Now MSM is talking about “demon face syndrome”.  How can they just suddenly make up something like this?

I have learned that mainstream media (MSM) is controlled by the bad guys in our pathocracy. Since the bad guys control the narrative, all we get is “fake news”. I have recognized that psychological interpretations of behavior leave out spiritual interpretations and that both perspectives need to be integrated. During the plandemic, I learned that what MSM censors is the truth (so I do the opposite of what MSM tells me to do). I also learned that MSM is used to cover up how much humanity has been lied to for so long. So, now I wonder what MSM is covering up with publishing this fake syndrome and blaming those who see a “demon face”. 

I think we need to be ready for a very wacky year as our world is insane and becoming more insane by the day. The legacy of lies, from MSM, is being exposed in what is called the “Great Awakening”.  

In this pathocracy, I believe that MSM is controlled by personality disordered narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths (  These controllers use MSM to push their false narrative.  The evil of narcissistic behavior is being pervasively exposed on the internet. People who are psychic can see demonic entities attached to narcissistic “human” beings.  The greatest fear of these personality disordered persons is to be exposed. They are being exposed as people spiritually awaken.

Planet Earth has never before seen such worldwide devastation, chaos, threat of extinction, genocide, deception, etc. Child trafficking is being exposed in addition to vast political corruption. I believe we are in a time of massive, cosmic transition which was predicted in ancient manuscripts. I believe the transition is the death of an archaic, anti-life system which is devastating to humanity if we do not stop it.  The controllers fear the end of their pathocracy and the exposure of their atrocities.  

This entire worldwide transition is becoming more biblical as predicted.   A diversity of ancient records document that demonic entities have been on the earth for a long time.  Now Rodriguez (in the video below) reports these entities are being seen on trail cams in national forests.  Meanwhile, when the entities walk among the human population, they shapeshift to take on the appearance of human beings so they fit in. 

I think of what M. Scott Peck, M.D. teaches in his book People of the Lie.  We become evil over a long period of time through a series of choices.  If we allow our hearts to harden and have no empathy, use people as if they are things, turn away from godly standards, and thrive by hating and hurting other people, we invite demonic entities.  If we are not aware of our spiritual reality, good versus evil, we make poor self-injurious choices.

Humanity, in crisis, desperately calls for spiritual awakening. We need to, individually, reflect on our lives and the choices we are making. We need to access support services as needed to transition away from depravity. I have learned that “all good psychotherapy is kind of like an exorcism! And, in my experience, all good psychotherapy does in fact combat lies” (pg. 185, People of the Lie). Humanity has spiritual authority over demonic energies and entities if we recognize what is going on in our midst and if do the right thing to protect ourselves and our loved ones.   

What is Happening in our Midst?

David Icke told us, over 30 years ago, that blood thirsty reptilians live among us. David was massively vilified and made fun of.  I remember disbelieving him when I first heard him talk about reptilians he described as an interdimensional race.  There was a media war against David Icke.  Now we learn he is a true pioneer in exposing truth about demonic entities and he is highly respected by many.  There are plenty of people in society who pretend to be who they are not.  These people live behind a mask to look good in public while some actually wear a latex mask.  

“The publisher claims that we are born into a world controlled by unseen forces that have plagued and manipulated humanity for thousands of years. David Icke exposes these forces and their methods of human control and he claims to reveal a fantastic web of global manipulation, orchestrated by forces beyond this physical realm.”

PDF Summary of David Icke’s book Children of the Matrix:

“In his groundbreaking book Children of the Matrix, renowned researcher and visionary David Icke invites us to question the very fabric of our reality. Drawing upon decades of extensive research, he reveals a thought-provoking truth that challenges our perception of the world we live in. From the manipulation of our minds through mass media to the hidden agendas of the ruling elite, this thought-provoking exploration delves into the depths of the human experience and unveils a shocking revelation: We are not alone in this universe, and our lives may be controlled by an intricate web of hidden forces. Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey that will shatter the boundaries of your perception and ignite a yearning to uncover the truth that lies beneath the surface. Children of the Matrix is an awakening call for those who dare to question, inspiring readers to break free from the chains of illusion and take control of their own destinies.”

Question the Very Fabric of Our Reality

Here is the video from David Nino Rodriguez which caused an epiphany for me. It helped me begin to connect the dots so I no longer wonder about the existence of demonic entities. MSM convinced me because they are trying to cover up a spiritual reality with a fake syndrome.

USA Today recently published an article about “demon face syndrome”. The author blames the person who starts seeing demonic entities rather than admit these entities live among us and have for a long time.  I have a book “Flying Serpents and Dragons, The Story of Mankind’s Reptilian Past” which is about “giant flying lizards and dragons which came to this planet” and can shapeshift.  It explains how the controllers in the pathocracy get their marching orders from these evil reptilians who are not human.  They cannot be human and have empathy when they commit the atrocities they do. 

‘I freaked out’: Man with ‘demon face syndrome’ hopes story can help other patients


The following are movies recommended in the Rodriguez’ video.  “They Live” is highly recommended for portraying how these entities may live among us:

They Live (1988) : John Carpenter : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers ( 1956) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

V S01:E01 – Pilot

The Visitation (2006)


The Invasion (trailer):

Kanopy – Stream Classic Cinema, Indie Film and Top Documentaries

Jericho tv series:


When Religion Shatters for the Family Scapegoat (Part 1)

I grew up with being indoctrinated in a Lutheran religion. I grew up being taught that “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16 KJV). With both maturity and an extreme amount of hardship, I started questioning much of what I had been taught about religion. With hardship, I experienced so many contradictions and confusion regarding my indoctrination that I began to search for answers and clarity. Overall, I gradually transformed my entire belief system from having conventional religious beliefs to having universal spiritual values.

Among the hardships, I noticed the pattern of being scapegoat. I noticed this in family of origin, with the Steve sociopath, the family court system blaming the victim, children taking anger out on the safe parent, the community blaming with “why didn’t she just leave?” (blame for the battered woman and no accountability for the sociopath), etc. When I recently came across Rebecca C. Mandeville, LMFT, CCTP’s clinical work on family scapegoating, my life experience made total sense. I recognized I had been designated the role of family scapegoat, as a child, and that is where the pattern started.

I had said for many years that “everyone took their anger out on me”. For many years, I knew I was the safe parent, the safe person, who people had been conditioned to take anger out on. I was outnumbered, traumatized and gaslighted. I tolerated too much violence and psycho-emotional abuse. Everything changed drastically when I learned from Rebecca that family scapegoating does not typically end. I decided I had no choice but to leave my narcissistic and scapegoating family. If I did not leave to protect myself, the stress would kill me.

With recovery, I studied narcissism and family scapegoating abuse (FSA) until I freed myself of the blame and shame which gets heaped on the family scapegoat. In the process of studying family scapegoating, I heard someone say “This is holy week.  The Lord God in heaven sacrificed His son for us”.  These words suddenly hit me differently, and with much more impact, than how I had been indoctrinated as a child. I finally connected the dots. 

Child Sacrifice is Evil

Sacrifice is what scapegoating families do to one child who gets blamed for family problems.  In both my experience and the experiences I hear from other family scapegoats, being sacrificed for all the problems in a narcissistic or dysfunctional family is life threatening. It is never acceptable for a parent to sacrifice one child just so they can pretend they have no faults. Only evil people sacrifice their own child. Is it okay for the religious god to sacrifice his son?

I suddenly saw how religious scapegoating connects to family scapegoating. I could no longer respect a religious god who sacrifices a child any more than I can respect narcissistic parents who sacrifice a child. The root belief in my religious upbringing, that this was called love, shattered that day. I concluded that if the religious god decided to sacrifice his son, he is scapegoating, he is evil, and he is no different than narcissistic parents who sacrifice their child. I was gob smacked.

The spiritual awakening of this truth proved to me that religion is often a lie and that the bible and religion have been used to lie to humanity. I learned about the Council of Nicea, in 325 AD, in which the Roman Emperor Constantine weaponized the bible against The People.  In other words, the bible has been tampered with and contaminated.

I was held prisoner to religious mind control for so many years which only kept me tolerating much abuse from persons with personality disorders. I was indoctrinated with terror that if a person did not believe and confess religious indoctrination, they would go to hell. I no longer believe in the cult of religion and brainwashing. I refer to M. Scott Peck’s books often to make sense of what all this evil truly is. Dr. Peck states:

The following includes excerpts from an analysis of Dr. Peck’s spiritual beliefs. Some of his spiritual beliefs are contrasted with traditional religious beliefs as follows:

“Since Peck now says that ”Christianity is the most important thing’ in his life and is, he hopes, ‘pervasive and total’ within it71 it is important to ask what he means by being a Christian. When a patient asked him this soon after his claimed conversion to Christianity, he remarked that at the core of the Christian faith is some ‘strange concept of sacrifice.’72

Peck is nondiscriminatory in regard to religion. In seeking God, he says, any religion will do: “There are an infinite number of roads to reach God. People can come to God through alcoholism, they can come to God through Zen Buddhism, as I did, and they can come to God through the multiple ‘New Thought’ Christian churches even though they are distinctly heretical. For all I know, they can come to God through Shirley MacLaine. People are at various stages of readiness, and when they’re ready virtually anything can speak to them.”40

Another Jesus

The Bible presents Jesus as God and thus one with the Father, yet incarnated as a man, thus making Him one with humanity. The early Christian creeds recognized this full and true deity and full and true humanity existing in the one person of Jesus Christ. We cannot take away from either nature without becoming heretical.

To Peck, however, Jesus is little more than an Eastern mystic on a par with other great world religious teachers.54 He never calls Christ his Savior, and he really doesn’t believe that Jesus’ life — and especially His death — have more purpose than to be an example of how we need to move toward spiritual growth.

According to Peck, Jesus shows us the way to salvation. He doesn’t save us. As Peck says elsewhere, ‘Becoming the most we can be is also the definition of salvation.’55 Despite Jesus’ admirable qualities which we should emulate, Peck says, Jesus was usually frustrated, depressed, anxious, scared, rude,56 and prejudiced.57 At one point in his writing, Peck intimates strongly that Jesus was a bisexual who had relations with both Mary Magdalene and John, the beloved disciple.58

The Bible Is a Book of Myths

Though Peck claims to have been a Christian since 1980, he still believes the Bible to be a flawed book. The Bible ‘is a mixture of legend, some of which is true and some of which is not true. It is a mixture of very accurate history and not so accurate history. It is a mixture of outdated rules and some pretty good rules. It is a mixture of myth and metaphor.’59

For Peck, persons who take the Bible as the inerrant Word of God actually detract from the Bible60 and ‘strangely misuse’61 it. He appears to adopt the view that the only options open to the Christian are to either take the Bible in a rigidly literalistic way or to accept it as errant and often mythical.62

Peck’s ‘Preferences’ on the Afterlife

Peck’s views on the afterlife are nebulous and generally noncommittal. He says he is open to reincarnation, but he is not passionate about this view since the Christian alternatives to explain the afterlife are possible.63

Peck is most agreeable to the idea of heaven and believes that it is open to everyone, regardless of sex, race, or religion. He believes this is so because God loves variety.64 On the other hand, hell, as a place of judgment from God, is outright rejected: “I simply cannot accept the view of Hell in which God punishes people without hope and destroys souls without a chance for redemption.”65 Rather than hell being a part of the afterlife, he believes that hell is here on earth. Evil people, he avers, in fleeing the voice of their conscience create their own hell,66 one from which they can escape, if they wish.67” (H. Wayne House).

Church and State Sought Plausible Scapegoats

Obviously, M. Scott Peck, M.D. is a deep and free thinker as I am. I see what he sees about the difference between religion and spirituality. From my perspective, spirituality unites the masses and does not need scapegoats. The question is why does the church and state indoctrinate the masses with the need for scapegoats?

“Regretfully, history is littered with examples of how the church and state have both sought plausible scapegoats to carry their own shame and guilt. The image of the scapegoat powerfully mirrors the universal, but largely unconscious, human need to transfer our guilt onto something or someone else by singling others out for often unmerited negative treatment. Historically, God and religion have been used to justify much of our blame, violence, wars, and prejudices. No doubt members of ISIS believe they are doing God’s will. The Ku Klux Klan used the cross as their symbol. As Blaise Pascal so painfully observed, “People never do evil so completely and so cheerfully as when they do it with religious conviction” (Jim Baker).

What Does the Baphomet Have to Do With Scapegoating?

Baphomet is the name of a false god associated in times past with the Knights Templar and today with Satanism and the occult. Modern representations of Baphomet picture it with a goat’s head on a human body (with both male and female traits); between the goat’s horns is a torch, and the image often includes a pentagram. The origin of Baphomet-worship is subject to much debate. Even the origins of the word Baphomet are unknown. Some believe it is a French corruption of Mahomet (“Muhammad”). Others believe it to be a code from Kabbalah meaning “the father of the temple of peace of all men.” Or the Arabic word for “the father of understanding.” Or, finally, the Jewish Atbash cipher as applied to Sophia—the Greek goddess of wisdom.” (Got Questions Ministries).

Strange Concept of Sacrifice

There is a theme of goats in both religion and satanism. I conclude that scapegoating and sacrificing is evil whether it is in a narcissistic or dysfunctional family, in religious dogma, in satanism and the occult, and generally in our communities. When both the church and state teach scapegoating, the practice keeps those who choose evil from being held accountable. It transfers blame onto an innocent being. This practice leads to much conflict, destruction, and moral decay in humanity.

Scapegoat Recovery

Scapegoat Recovery: How To Heal From Being The Family Scapegoat


Understanding the Spiritual Meaning of the Scapegoat

Personal Testimony from Scapegoat Soul Sister

The following is a copy/paste from a scapegoat soul sister (who wishes to be anonymous). With her permission, I include her words as she explains her spiritual journey of waking from social mind control programming, from church and state, to cycle breaker:

“I read this, and for me, it hits home, (and it is, btw, beautifully and professionally written, well done!) My own life experiences have long ago become a spiritual journey – how can it be otherwise? Scapegoating is THE great societal evil, it happens on all levels, from the family, to countries, to races, to genders, to how you look, and who you love. Everyone needing someone to blame for their pain – or someone they can take their pain out on- rather than face it themselves. The shocker is, it is barely talked about in society – worse, it is tolerated, and even encouraged. In Christianity, it is central to the core of their beliefs. ‘Jesus died for my sins, so I wouldn’t have to’. Jesus is the greatest scapegoat in history. In the end, it is all about negative energy and the fear folks have in dealing with it. We scapegoats weren’t given a choice, we have been forced to deal with it, just like Jesus was ‘asked to’ deal with it. In my own personal belief system, energy is energy, and it cannot be destroyed, even dark, negative energy. It can only be transformed, and that is what we all must do. Scapegoating to another simply propagates more negative energy. And this system will not hold. If humanity is to survive, it is everyone’s job to learn how to transmute that negative energy back closer to the light. Not just scapegoats, and not just Jesus. EVERYONE. But unfortunately it starts with us. We are the ones to lead the way, and that is why our charter as cycle breakers is so important – we are the ones who can take these dark, demonic energies, and transform them into a healthier vibration. Not easy to do, but here we are. By the way, I just love your work Pamela, I wish I could meet you.

And I will throw in a bit more for clarity and touch on the ‘how’ part of transmuting negative energy. It starts by going deep inside yourself, by looking at your own pain, by realizing how we have been hurt and damaged, it is transmuted by way of finding the attributes within yourself such as courage, kindness, compassion and empathy and realizing these are the tools that you wield agst the pain and darkness. It is not a battle as we’ve been taught, with swords and guns, it is a journey of self discovery, and as you grow inside, it begins to reflect outside. It is found in your smile, and your laughter, and your dreams. It is found in your hands, so use them to create, to shield, to hold. It doesn’t have to be scary. The transforming is thru your eyes, use them to see the beauty all around you. So, the journey is whatever you make it. I don’t mean to trivialize it – but pain can be our greatest teacher. And the journey we are on doesn’t have to be hard. I do know however, that it IS hard, but as we make peace with it, it is reflected back to others. We find our strength in love. It’s the only way to live your life.”

Narcissistic Parents Who “Love” Their Children to Death

The public, in general, has a romantic view of family life. Most of us want to believe that families genuinely love and care for each other. Most of us are incapable of believing that family members destroy other family members. Now that the public is being educated about both narcissism and family scapegoating abuse (FSA), the veil is lifting. We are clearly seeing evil that seems to run in families. We are clearly seeing that family members who do not go along with narcissist’s agenda are at risk.

Meadow DeVor, in the video below, shares her life experience with what her narcissistic male parent did to her at the end of his life. We wonder if narcissists change or if they become softer at the end of their life. In Meadow’s case, he did not. The narcissistic parent had threatened to hurt both her and her daughter. Meadow knew the narcissist was willing to follow through and, thus, she moved to an undisclosed address. She went no contact for years. She wondered if she’d get a call from siblings if her father became ill or passed away. She read story after story of people who live this experience to prepare herself.

When her father was dying, she received no phone call from siblings though the death was not sudden. She received a text the day after the fact and her calls were refused. At first, she felt relief but felt neither sadness nor anger. She felt “it’s just over”. She felt she couldn’t tell people that she felt relieved nor that she’d been living in hiding. There was nothing she could say that would make sense to people who have not been through this experience. It was like the next version of being scapegoat including being isolated, gaslighted, alone, and betrayed.

She had difficulty sleeping and decided to do research in ancient history. She studied a huge fortress in Pakistan in which the parameter of the fortress was built with millions and millions of bricks. The bricks had been baked in an oven and laid by hands to build the walls. The image of this made Meadow cry. Meadow says that nobody seems to tell you that the decision to go no contact is built brick by brick, memory by memory, year by year. The bricks are built by years of not going to weddings, not getting invited for graduations, of staring at a text for hours or days wondering how to reply. It’s having no emergency contact listed when you go to the doctor, missing birthdays, anniversaries, reunions, and funerals. It’s week after week of sitting with a therapist to walk through the lonely aftermath of losing the history of your life. It was a life of no contact because Meadow had to stay self-protected by keeping the narcissist away.

In spite of the fortress of self-protection, Meadow still had the tiniest hope with how little it would take to make the bricks come thumbing down. The bricks would start coming down with an ‘I’m sorry’ or one word ‘love’. The narcissist was not willing to do that. Instead, her father wrote in his will “I’m intentionally not appropriating any property to my daughter Meadow DeVor. He even spelled her name wrong. The golden child in her family went on to play the family role both at the death and beyond. The betrayal ran deep. There are always co-conspirators.

Meadow knows the grief is brutal. Yet, no matter how difficult it was to cutoff the narcissist, she says her decision was validated for doing what she needed to do. All those bricks were baked into stone, to build walls of a fortress in a desert, and ruins were left behind after the narcissist died.

Loved to Death

Narcissists in families are emotionally cold and manipulative though they can act as if they genuinely care. They are very good at acting perfect, calm, and genuinely caring when it serves them to do so. They know what they are doing because they can turn on their charm and turn it off. They plan what they will do to destroy those who get in their way.

The movie below, on, is a true story about a father who planned the murder and cover-up of both his wife and two sons. He appears to have been a sociopath. All he cared about was to CYA (cover your a__).

Dr. Les Carter on the End Game of the Narcissist’s Spite

Dr. Carter is helpful with exposing the spiteful attitude of narcissists in the video below. He says if you are on the receiving end of a narcissist’s spiteful attitude, somehow you sent the message ‘I’m not going to play along with all the negative energy you’re throwing my direction. You want me to play the role of enabler. You want me to lay down and let you walk all over me. I’m not going to do that anymore.’ Dr. Carter adds “good for you” for sending the message. When narcissists become convinced you’re moving away from them and the role they assigned to you, they come with a spiteful attitude.

The narcissist’s spite comes from the emotion of anger. Their anger takes its own dark turn into their contemptuous, hateful, and vengeful kind of mindset. Narcissists who feel spiteful think ‘I want you to hurt as badly as you’ve hurt me and, in fact, if I can make you hurt even worse, I’ll be more than happy to do that.’ Keep in mind that that’s their way of responding to their own internal pain. They insist that they are going to destroy you. They have no introspection. They don’t think in terms of ‘what can I learn from this’? All they know is they are feeling spiteful and the best way to relieve themselves of the energy that goes along with it is to destroy you. It’s a terrible strategy but that’s where they’re coming from.

Dr. Carter continues to walk through what you need to understand regarding their spiteful attitude. The more you know the more it allows you to be objective in the way you respond. First, when narcissists bring their spitefulness toward you, it is an indicator of their narcissistic injury. Their self-esteem has been bruised and they feel exposed by you. When you’re saying ‘I don’t want to go along with you’, what you’re saying is ‘I don’t think you’re a very healthy person. I don’t think you’re good for me and what you purport to be is not what I want anything to do with.

They’ll take their hurt feeling and fuse it to their natural inclination toward entitlement. They think ‘you owe me. If you don’t comply with me, that means you’re challenging me. Nobody challenges me because I get to extract things from you.’ Of course, you don’t get to do that in reverse. As a result, their fragile ego is triggered and thinks ‘I have to have your admiration and if you don’t give me your admiration, I’m going to so make you suffer’.

What this entitlement reveals is, no matter what kind of nice history you had with them, it was all phony. Narcissists look at you as a giver of narcissistic supply-period-end of discussion- that’s it-that’s all they think. You had an assigned role and you did not live into your assigned role. You’ve cut off their sense of supply so fear takes over for narcissists. They won’t say ‘I feel fearful’. They’ll say ‘I feel angry’. The bottom line is that by saying ‘I don’t want to participate with your dysfunction, you’re more or less implying ‘I’ve seen what you look like with your mask off. You’re exposed and I see how disgusting you can be.’ The narcissist is thinking ‘I can’t let them happen.’

The ineptitude of narcissists becomes apparent. There is emptiness on the inside. They don’t know what to do because they are inept, when their anger is triggered, because they don’t have that skill set. They can’t manage pain and conflict and are scared to death when you’ve seen behind their persona. Their fear takes them to claiming victim status by saying ‘Look what you’ve done to me. Look at how miserable you’re making my life.’ Of course, they forget the fact they set the whole thing up for collapse by having their improper treatment toward you. They blame you for feeling as miserable as they do when, in fact, you’re calling them out saying ‘no that misery was already on the inside before I ever showed up.’

Narcissists will come out with spiteful, angry reactions. They want you to think they are the gold standard of what is right and good. They don’t have good reasoning nor sound insight and awareness. They don’t know how to take a relationship that’s not functioning well and use reason. So, they focus outward because they don’t know how to go inward. They hold on to their disbelief, their shock, ‘I can’t believe you’re doing this to me.’ They want to transfer their pain into you. Being exposed dredges up old memories of when this happened to them before. This causes both fear of abandonment and fear that people will declare they are no good.

With their spite and claiming ‘I don’t need you’, they make up a narrative about you. They already had their defenses up before you showed up. Their defenses are impenetrable with thinking they are heavily criticized. There is no room for restoration and their spiteful feelings can last for decades. They like to think ‘I was able to destroy you and let you know I’m a force to be reckoned with’ as they spew venom all over you. Narcissists hold on to their venomous, painful, unresolved issues as they transfer their responsibility on to you.

Dr. Carter states that the best chance for your healing is to stay committed to your original position i.e. ‘I don’t want to play your assigned role for me. I’m going to reconnect with me, with my dignity and civility. I am going to run with other people who know how to do that. I see you don’t know how to do life well. I have to drop any illusion that I can see you do life differently.’ In time, narcissists move away individuals who won’t comply with the assigned role so they can move on to their next victim.

Can Super Empaths Destroy a Narcissist?

Here is a copy/paste (bolding emphasis in paragraphs mine) of another article on Quora which is helpful. I believe it is helpful because, when we are traumatized by a narcissist or sociopath, we don’t want to feel powerless. We wonder what we can do to protect ourselves from an entity who obsesses about destroying us. Teresa Santa, on Quora, helps us innerstand how to destroy the power and control the narcissist wants over our lives. She answers the question “can super empaths destroy the narcissist?” by saying:

“Yes, they can! Here are 5 ways a super empath can destroy a narcissist:

1. They do not fall for the narcissist’s facade.

2. They can easily spot a narcissist.

A narcissist can fake everything as much as they want to but would not be able to escape the super empath’s narcissist detection radar. They sniff inauthenticity, dishonesty, and fakery from miles and can immediately tell if things aren’t real because of their extrasensory perception. A super empath’s deep awareness of self and the environment helps them pick cues that inform their decision-making process. And they see things for what they are and not what the narcissist wants them to believe. The narcissist may mimic their feelings, but as a super empath, they will be repulsed by the inhumanness and predatory nature of the narcissist. A super empath knows that genuine empathy is warm and comforting, not cold, situational, selective, and distorted like a narcissist’s version of it. Super empaths can quickly discern intentions and see through thousands of masks, exposing the narcissist before the narcissist reveals their true nature.

3. They set solid boundaries with no loopholes or gray areas.

A super empath will always be clear with the people in their life about what they are and what they aren’t willing to accept. They value their peace and have a strong sense of self-concept. They know how worthy they are, and their worth and esteem aren’t the function of anyone else’s treatment. If someone tries to manipulate them into doing something they do not want to do, they will sense this, won’t give the person the benefit of the doubt, and will set firm boundaries immediately. They won’t hesitate to say no, which is what a narcissist cannot tolerate. A narcissist has to have everything their way and has to have control over everything. But a super empath would not tolerate these transgressions or violations. They call the narcissist out, and if they do not stop, the super empath cuts them off without a second thought.

4. They can shatter the narcissist’s ego.

Super empaths have high emotional intelligence. They can see past the narcissist’s masks and see their fragility. They know what aggravates the narcissist the most. And if the need arises, they become direct and effective when calling out the narcissist on their BS. Through their righteous rage, grounded powerfulness, and radical honesty, they can annihilate a narcissist’s false self and shatter it into pieces, causing irreversible damage to the narcissist. Unlike a narcissist, an angry and an aware empath isn’t reactive, impulsive, or abusive. They are decisive and know what they want, why they want it, and how to get it strategically. They do not attack the narcissist to get supply because they don’t need any form of supply. They fight the narcissist like a warrior of light who is guided by the universe, and their intact moral compass and values. Their truth outshines the narcissist’s dark lies, making them the narcissist’s kryptonite.

5. They deflect the narcissist’s projections.

The favorite trick of a narcissist is to project their insecurities and inadequacies onto other people. It is a distraction from how they truly feel about themselves. However, the super empath can quickly understand what is going on as they have a strong sense of self and know their worth and what they stand for. This is the reason why projection does not work on them. They deflect and do not react. They know that these projections aren’t their truth. They see through the projections, like you would see through a window where the narcissist tries their best to make it their mirror. They firmly hold on to the reality that they have created for themselves and know that the narcissist has no true foundation to define someone’s reality. They do not know who they truly are. So how can they define someone else? How can they talk about who someone else is? A super empath finds a narcissist’s accusations amusing because they know the allegations are the confessions of the true nature of the narcissist.

For all who suffer from narcissistic abuse, in this epidemic of narcissism, I say study! Study helps us to know ourselves, where we are vulnerable, and what the tactics of the narcissist are. Through study, I have learned to discern when there is a narcissist in my midst. I have learned to implement firm boundaries and keep them in place. It is a much safer place to be than not knowing what evil truly is. That is how it used to be for me.

The short video below describes how to destroy the ego of the narcissist (or, in my case, the Steve sociopath). The Steve sociopath tried for ten years after divorce to destroy me. He had quickly remarried and had Teresa (or what he called a “barfly”) assist with his stalking, abuse, and harassment. Even though I relocated to a new community, the Steve sociopath and his wife stalked. He hoped to prove I was the whole problem by driving me both insane and to my grave. He knew I had suffered a year-long health crisis. So it looked like his plan would be easy to achieve.

He failed. No matter how hard he tried with stalking, harassment, assaults, using and abusing our children, poverty, disrupting visitation, unending court battles, pathological lying, smear campaigns, character assassination, etc., he could not stop me. He DID cause a lot of damage which has taken decades to recover. In spite of his herculean obsession with destroying me, I earned both undergraduate and graduate degrees in criminal justice and social work. I became licensed in the State of Minnesota as a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker. I accessed holistic healthcare and EMDR for recovery.

He ended up divorced from his barfly after going to jail for assaulting her in front of what he called her “slimy brats”. He ended up with his three biological children eventually realizing he doesn’t care about them, knowing he is a liar who has a personality disorder, and that he used his family as cover for his evil nature. He ended up with gallbladder surgery, knee surgery, depression, alcoholism, and heart stints after a heart attack. His third wife is the age of our daughter and of another ethnicity. Since I have no contact with the Steve sociopath, I do not know if he is married or divorced from her. He is very protective of other people finding out how his life is failing. Per research, I can assume his third relationship is on the rocks and he carries on his evil schemes, to get narcissistic supply, behind the scenes.

It helps to know that we as survivors do our part with bringing karma to the life of the sociopath. For me, I maintain NO contact with the sociopath. He can obsess about hoovering through relatives or on social media. I do not budge. Now I destroy his false self but refusing to prop up his demons by giving them any attention. Instead, I create a successful life as a retired and credentialed professional who overcame a sociopath who tried to kill me. I now know what evil truly is.

When You Realize You’ve Been in a War Your Entire Life as Family Scapegoat

The path of recovery from surviving narcissistic and family scapegoating abuse is a path of continual revelation. For me, it is a revelation to learn, from the words of M. Scott Peck, M.D. in his book People of the Lie, that “evil seems to run in families“. That is a major revelation which caused me to distance myself from family. I studied why this pattern of evil runs in families. I think it is because we:

  • are traumatized in narcissistic and scapegoating families
  • learn what we live and we live what we learned
  • fear the malignant narcissist/sociopath
  • live in a cult-like environment and do not stand up for self
  • have addictive behaviors which keep family members stuck in dysfunction
  • are fearful and not wanting to face truth needed to recover
  • feel weak and unwilling to trust and love other people again
  • are codependent and trauma bonded
  • are living in ego rather than connected to the Divine
  • fear being removed from the parents’ will
  • have spirit attachments and/or possession

When I read the following words of M. Scott Peck, M.D., I realize that people can hate us simply because of the spiritual war we are in. The spiritual war is one of good versus evil and lies versus truth. When we speak truth, as family scapegoats, we are a threat to the evil which runs in families. Thus, family will try to destroy us: Dr. Peck says: 

“First, I have come to conclude that evil is real. It is not the figment of the imagination of a primitive religious mind feebly attempting to explain the unknown. There really are people, and institutions made up of people, who respond with hatred in the presence of goodness and would destroy the good insofar as it is in their power to do so. They do this not with conscious malice but blindly, lacking awareness of their own evil – indeed, seeking to avoid any such awareness. As has been described of the devil in religious literature, they hate the light and instinctively will do anything to avoid it, including attempting to extinguish it. They will destroy the light in their own children and in all other beings subject to their power.

Evil people hate the light because it reveals themselves to themselves. They hate goodness because it reveals their badness; they hate love because it reveals their laziness. They will destroy the light, the goodness, the love in order to avoid the pain of such self-awareness. My second conclusion, then, is that evil is laziness carried to its ultimate, extraordinary extreme. As I have defined it, love is the antithesis of laziness. Ordinary laziness is a passive failure to love. Some ordinarily lazy people may not lift a finger to extend themselves unless they are compelled to do so. Their being is a manifestation of nonlove; still they are not evil. Truly evil people, on the other hand, actively rather than passively avoid extending themselves. They will take any action in their power to protect their own laziness, to preserve the integrity of their sick self. Rather than nurturing others, they will actually destroy others in this cause. If necessary, they will even kill to escape the pain of their own spiritual growth. As the integrity of their sick self is threatened by the spiritual health of those around them, they will seek by all manner of means to crush and demolish the spiritual health that may exist near them. I define evil, then, as the exercise of political power – that is, the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion – in order to avoid extending one’s self for the purpose of nurturing spiritual growth. Ordinary laziness is nonlove; evil is antilove” (pgs. 278-279, The Road Less Traveled).

In other words, it’s a life and death struggle for the scapegoat. Evil will destroy if the scapegoat does not choose safety and self-protection. Evil will destroy in order to preserve their sick self. When people with narcissistic traits or a diagnosis of narcissism refuse to introspect, they choose a life of failing to be responsible for their actions and of bypassing spiritual growth. They become dangerous persons to the family scapegoat. 

Family Scapegoats Speak Truth and Destroy the False Narrative

The main reason the narcissistic family hates the scapegoat is because they do not go along with the false narrative. The family has used the false narrative, which is blaming the scapegoat for problems in the family, for their entire life. When the scapegoat gains clarity about what they are surviving, they uncover the secrets the narcissistic family has tried so hard to bury. When the scapegoat becomes strong enough, they will never back down. They will never agree with the false narrative. 

The scapegoat has paid a huge price for all the years they suffered in the family scapegoating regime. When they realize they’ve survived a war which nearly destroyed them, there is no turning back. They realize they have a spiritual mission to speak truth and to destroy the false narrative, the lies, in the narcissistic family. The truth becomes the most powerful weapon in the spiritual war for the scapegoat.

When I saw the visual below, I thought of the scapegoat and the false narrative in the narcissistic family. In the narcissistic family, the false narrative is the “mainstream news” in the family. The entire family mob thrives off of ganging up and devaluing the scapegoat with gossip and “mainstream news” about what the scapegoat is doing or saying. They gossip behind the back of the scapegoat. They gossip in community. It is a pre-emptive strike to make the scapegoat look bad or crazy in case the scapegoat decides to tell other people about the narcissistic abuse in their family. The narcissist’s greatest fear is exposure. 

The narcissistic scapegoating family feels closer to one another when they join together and blame one family member for all the problems. They join together with their fake bonding to make fun of and criticize the scapegoat. They feel superior when they can look down on the scapegoat and they feel better about themselves when they dump their guilt and shame on the scapegoat. This is a very toxic family who destroys one child so they can feel better. 

What choice does the family scapegoat have but to walk away and protect themselves? The family mob is not going to change because they are a gang who overpowers and hurts the scapegoat. Meanwhile, the family scapegoat knows there is karma, natural law, for acting this way and for doing great harm to the scapegoat. It will take time but, eventually, some family members will awaken and recognize that “mainstream news” is a lie and a cover-up. The house of cards, the false narrative spun in the narcissistic family, will come down. In addition, when the narcissistic family members die, they will not be able to cover-up, make excuses, nor stand as a family mob and lie about what they did. 

The false family narrative, “mainstream news” has to be destroyed. Truth is the only way if family members want to heal. Family members have to admit what happened in their family if they ever decide to heal. Telling the truth feels much better than carrying around a stagnant pack of lies. ”When truth is finally recognized, survivors can begin their recovery” (Judith Lewis Herman, M.D.)

Spiritual Mission of the Family Scapegoat

I hope and pray this is true for my life and for other people who know they are the family scapegoat (black sheep). Denzo Mos states that the generational cycles of abuse end with the black sheep who walks away and who does not go back. This is my dream that the abusive cycle of hatred, violence, and trauma is broken and replaced with gentleness, kindness, and respect. My dream is that my bloodline returns to Godly living. It is my spiritual mission to break the generational curse of narcissism and violence both for me and for future generations. 

Initially, I was not aware I had this spiritual mission. I just knew, as a child, that violence and alcoholism was not acceptable. I felt fear and hurt when I saw family members, including myself, get assaulted by a malignant narcissist. I spoke up, even as a child, because I instinctively felt the need to protect those I loved. It is obvious to me, now, that speaking up made me a target for the rage of the malignant narcissist. It is obvious to me now that I had to leave family of origin, as the family scapegoat, because the abuse was intolerable. 

It is intense chronic stress and trauma for the family scapegoat who speaks up. Though it has been excruciating to stand alone against a family mob who believe the narcissistic behavior is acceptable, I cannot go back. For me, it is not ego to walk away. It is morality and lack of respect for a family mob who condone and cover up evil behavior and then blame the innocent rather than be accountable. It is lack of honoring parents who cover up violence, and who punish the scapegoat who desires healthy behavior. Parents are the adults who are supposed to lead children into right behavior for living. 

It’s discouraging because the entire family gangs up against the black sheep. Breaking the generational curse is not an easy thing to do. Patterns of behavioral dysfunction are deeply embedded in each family member. Black sheep are hated and treated like the enemy because they are mirrors who shine the light on family dysfunction. 

Denzo states that the black sheep is the one who cleans the bloodline. Black sheep have all done one thing: they left the family unit. A lot of them have family they love but had to leave to protect themselves. Black sheep cannot break family cycles by continuing to participate with the same people who are part of the problem. They find freedom when they walk away. When they leave the system, there is a gaping hole. There is conflict in the family because the scapegoat is gone. There is a shakeup in the family system which is left with attacking, abusing, and gaslighting each other. 

Black sheep have to leave because they suffer the most from narcissistic abuse and setbacks. They meet a lot of resistance because they are here to end cycles and curses which have been destroying generations of people. Spiritually, demonic entities know the mission of the black sheep and that is why they attack. Once awakened, the black sheep sees what has been going on in the family system. They discover their family, especially their parents, are not who they idealized them to be when they were a child. 

Because the black sheep is devalued and hated, they are left out of weddings, birthdays, holidays, family gatherings, etc. This is painful, for black sheep, to be rejected and left isolated year after year. Black sheep have to focus on the spiritual anointing they have and their spiritual mission. They are guided and protected by the Divine which explains why black sheep survive the overwhelming psycho-emotional abuse. Denzo reminds black sheep to stick to the spiritual mission in spite of being called names, ridiculed, abandoned, punished, etc. 

One Thing

All of this conflict boils down to one thing: the narcissistic family regime is doing the wrong thing year after year, decade after decade, and they have no remorse. The family scapegoat disagrees with the evil, destructive pattern and speaks truth to bring about change for the better. Those who side with the perpetrators are abusive and as guilty as those who abuse.