Can Super Empaths Destroy a Narcissist?

Here is a copy/paste (bolding emphasis in paragraphs mine) of another article on Quora which is helpful. I believe it is helpful because, when we are traumatized by a narcissist or sociopath, we don’t want to feel powerless. We wonder what we can do to protect ourselves from an entity who obsesses about destroying us. Teresa Santa, on Quora, helps us innerstand how to destroy the power and control the narcissist wants over our lives. She answers the question “can super empaths destroy the narcissist?” by saying:

“Yes, they can! Here are 5 ways a super empath can destroy a narcissist:

1. They do not fall for the narcissist’s facade.

2. They can easily spot a narcissist.

A narcissist can fake everything as much as they want to but would not be able to escape the super empath’s narcissist detection radar. They sniff inauthenticity, dishonesty, and fakery from miles and can immediately tell if things aren’t real because of their extrasensory perception. A super empath’s deep awareness of self and the environment helps them pick cues that inform their decision-making process. And they see things for what they are and not what the narcissist wants them to believe. The narcissist may mimic their feelings, but as a super empath, they will be repulsed by the inhumanness and predatory nature of the narcissist. A super empath knows that genuine empathy is warm and comforting, not cold, situational, selective, and distorted like a narcissist’s version of it. Super empaths can quickly discern intentions and see through thousands of masks, exposing the narcissist before the narcissist reveals their true nature.

3. They set solid boundaries with no loopholes or gray areas.

A super empath will always be clear with the people in their life about what they are and what they aren’t willing to accept. They value their peace and have a strong sense of self-concept. They know how worthy they are, and their worth and esteem aren’t the function of anyone else’s treatment. If someone tries to manipulate them into doing something they do not want to do, they will sense this, won’t give the person the benefit of the doubt, and will set firm boundaries immediately. They won’t hesitate to say no, which is what a narcissist cannot tolerate. A narcissist has to have everything their way and has to have control over everything. But a super empath would not tolerate these transgressions or violations. They call the narcissist out, and if they do not stop, the super empath cuts them off without a second thought.

4. They can shatter the narcissist’s ego.

Super empaths have high emotional intelligence. They can see past the narcissist’s masks and see their fragility. They know what aggravates the narcissist the most. And if the need arises, they become direct and effective when calling out the narcissist on their BS. Through their righteous rage, grounded powerfulness, and radical honesty, they can annihilate a narcissist’s false self and shatter it into pieces, causing irreversible damage to the narcissist. Unlike a narcissist, an angry and an aware empath isn’t reactive, impulsive, or abusive. They are decisive and know what they want, why they want it, and how to get it strategically. They do not attack the narcissist to get supply because they don’t need any form of supply. They fight the narcissist like a warrior of light who is guided by the universe, and their intact moral compass and values. Their truth outshines the narcissist’s dark lies, making them the narcissist’s kryptonite.

5. They deflect the narcissist’s projections.

The favorite trick of a narcissist is to project their insecurities and inadequacies onto other people. It is a distraction from how they truly feel about themselves. However, the super empath can quickly understand what is going on as they have a strong sense of self and know their worth and what they stand for. This is the reason why projection does not work on them. They deflect and do not react. They know that these projections aren’t their truth. They see through the projections, like you would see through a window where the narcissist tries their best to make it their mirror. They firmly hold on to the reality that they have created for themselves and know that the narcissist has no true foundation to define someone’s reality. They do not know who they truly are. So how can they define someone else? How can they talk about who someone else is? A super empath finds a narcissist’s accusations amusing because they know the allegations are the confessions of the true nature of the narcissist.

For all who suffer from narcissistic abuse, in this epidemic of narcissism, I say study! Study helps us to know ourselves, where we are vulnerable, and what the tactics of the narcissist are. Through study, I have learned to discern when there is a narcissist in my midst. I have learned to implement firm boundaries and keep them in place. It is a much safer place to be than not knowing what evil truly is. That is how it used to be for me.

The short video below describes how to destroy the ego of the narcissist (or, in my case, the Steve sociopath). The Steve sociopath tried for ten years after divorce to destroy me. He had quickly remarried and had Teresa (or what he called a “barfly”) assist with his stalking, abuse, and harassment. Even though I relocated to a new community, the Steve sociopath and his wife stalked. He hoped to prove I was the whole problem by driving me both insane and to my grave. He knew I had suffered a year-long health crisis. So it looked like his plan would be easy to achieve.

He failed. No matter how hard he tried with stalking, harassment, assaults, using and abusing our children, poverty, disrupting visitation, unending court battles, pathological lying, smear campaigns, character assassination, etc., he could not stop me. He DID cause a lot of damage which has taken decades to recover. In spite of his herculean obsession with destroying me, I earned both undergraduate and graduate degrees in criminal justice and social work. I became licensed in the State of Minnesota as a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker. I accessed holistic healthcare and EMDR for recovery.

He ended up divorced from his barfly after going to jail for assaulting her in front of what he called her “slimy brats”. He ended up with his three biological children eventually realizing he doesn’t care about them, knowing he is a liar who has a personality disorder, and that he used his family as cover for his evil nature. He ended up with gallbladder surgery, knee surgery, depression, alcoholism, and heart stints after a heart attack. His third wife is the age of our daughter and of another ethnicity. Since I have no contact with the Steve sociopath, I do not know if he is married or divorced from her. He is very protective of other people finding out how his life is failing. Per research, I can assume his third relationship is on the rocks and he carries on his evil schemes, to get narcissistic supply, behind the scenes.

It helps to know that we as survivors do our part with bringing karma to the life of the sociopath. For me, I maintain NO contact with the sociopath. He can obsess about hoovering through relatives or on social media. I do not budge. Now I destroy his false self but refusing to prop up his demons by giving them any attention. Instead, I create a successful life as a retired and credentialed professional who overcame a sociopath who tried to kill me. I now know what evil truly is.

When the Chosen One Cries

I define “chosen one” somewhat similar to how Denzo Mos describes chosen ones. I hesitate to completely agree because I do not think of any person as being chosen by God over other people. I think we all have opportunity to be one with Creator God. However, many people turn their backs on being spiritually one because they choose their ego over spiritual growth. The dividing line, for me, is when persons make choices to hurt and control other people. They have chosen to destroy and I want nothing to do with demonic energies.

I think empaths are chosen by toxic persons to be scapegoats when they take no responsibility for their actions. Empaths are a safe target for toxic persons who have not resolved inner turmoil. At the same time, I think we chose spiritual contracts before we came to the planet. I think we chose to be ones who are here to work on raising consciousness, which may feel threatening to other people, on a planet threatened with extinction.

We are ones who have empathy. We give, with open hearts, to help others and to be supportive. We give authentically just because we see someone hurting. We are like an open book. We give when others are ill, we do everything we can, are by their bedside, etc. We are empowered to complete our mission on planet Earth and we are spiritually protected while completing our mission. It makes sense to me that we are protected because how else did I survive a narcissistic family regime, a sociopath who wanted me dead, hoards of evil in the court system, multiple car accidents, chronic illness, poverty, etc. without dying or being on disability?

When we are spiritually awakened, we learn who we are and we gain awareness of who is around us. It takes time to realize we’ve been around the wrong people (family, friends, co-workers, significant others, etc. who do not have our best interest at heart.) We spiritually awaken to how much narcissism there is in our world.

Denzo states that we are “pushed” toward wounded souls (I don’t believe the universe pushes us to do anything. Instead, I think it’s our nature to be compassionate toward those who are hurting but that we have to learn to have personal boundaries). For me, I had to learn to have limits with putting other people’s needs first, ignoring mine, trying to fix, and giving too much. I learned this the hard way by unknowingly marrying a sociopath who drained life energy out of everyone around him.

When empaths give their soul, money, empathy, validation, time, etc. they run into people who will only take and give nothing in return. Narcissists and sociopaths think only of getting and rush in to grab benefits of being around persons who give. Narcissists are often materialistic and care, first and only, about how they look and what they have.

Being around empaths triggers feelings of jealousy in these toxic persons. This is because toxic people are not wired to give back what empaths give to them. They end up hurting empaths. Dr. Scott Peck, M.D. describes why toxic, evil people hurt empaths: “They hate the light and instinctively will do anything to avoid it, including attempting to extinguish it. They will destroy the light in their own children and in all other beings subject to their power” (pg. 278, The Road Less Traveled).

If they do not hurt empaths physically, they will hurt them emotionally. Narcissistic persons have to feel superior, which means they have to devalue empaths, because of their disorder. For me, I have a hard time seeing why toxic persons are jealous because my life has not been easy. As I look at reasons why toxic persons feel jealous, I see some possibilities as to why they project jealousy on to empaths:

  • You’re successful without even trying hard
  • You’re not afraid of failure
  • You’re resilient
  • You’re humble and kind
  • You’re good-looking
  • Your family is close to you
  • You’re the best at what you do
  • Your friends care about your well-being
  • You’re an inspiration to others
  • You don’t need anyone’s approval
  • You’re spiritually self-aware
  • You can make decisions on your own
  • You’re not afraid of being different from everybody else
  • You don’t take everything so seriously
  • You’re not afraid to start something new
  • You don’t let others control you
  • You’re happy

When a chosen person gets hurt by a toxic person, the first thing that comes to their mind is ‘how could I be so nice and do all these beautiful things, give all this energy, and the only thing they return is hurt, pain, and torture?’ Chosen ones loose lots in their lives. There comes a time when chosen ones break down and start to process their emotions. They do not always see the karma that comes to narcissists because narcissists focus on covering it up to look good. The breakdown of chosen ones determines karma.

The more tears chosen ones shed, the more karma comes to those who hurt them. Denzo states it’s a guarantee that those who abuse will not sit comfortably in their mind at home because they’ll always know they’ve done something wrong. They have “big guilt”. I have studied natural law (karma) which exists in our spiritual world and returns to us what we do to other people. Natural law is meant to wake us up so we do no harm to other people.

When empaths cry and shed tears, a very powerful frequency is sent out in the universe. When empaths cry, their spirit team goes into action. It doesn’t matter who empaths are or their status. When toxic, evil persons mess with chosen ones, they will be dealt with on spiritual level. Chosen ones will move on even if narcissists come after them. They will not check on the toxic person because in their mind it’s over. Meanwhile, their spirit team deals with the toxic person. There is a price that narcissists are not ready to pay.

Denzo states that it is “very dangerous” to make a chosen person cry. In my life, I have not seen success for persons who choose a life of hurting other people. They do not find peace and are continuously trying to control or get something from other people. They end up deceiving themselves unless they decide to go within, be responsible for spiritual growth, and make peace with themselves.

Good and Evil: We Are Not the Same

Psychology is great for describing narcissistic abuse. Psychological research is necessary for understanding personality dynamics of abusers. Their characteristics vary and make life complex with trying to understand their behavior. At the same time, spirituality is great for describing the energy behind the psychological personality of the abuser. For me, spirituality simplifies and empowers, in combination with psychology, so we see human behavior on the continuum of good versus evil.

We live in a world of empaths and abusers, good and evil. Whenever human beings disconnect from the spiritual, creative force of goodness, they are on our own living in ego (edge God out). Living in ego can invite dark forces into their lives. When humans live in ego, especially if they harden their conscience, they deny the spiritual power of Creator God in their lives and run low on energetic fuel. They then need narcissistic supply, manipulating and stealing from other people while creating drama in order to get energy. They are energy vampires. Empaths need to avoid energy vampires!

Signs We Are Feeding Energy Vampires

  • foggy thinking
  • depression
  • falling into addictions
  • anxiety
  • too giving
  • decreased self-esteem
  • gaslighting is always involved
  • triggered easy

Spiritual Warfare

Surviving narcissistic abuse is spiritual warfare. However, it is not warfare as typically described by the church. We may have been taught it is our responsibility to pray for and do what we can to save other people from sin. It is not our responsibility to save narcissists from themselves. Rather, spiritual warfare is recognizing that we must protect ourselves from narcissistic abuse.

Kevin, creator of The Royal We, describes three problems with how the church has typically described spiritual warfare. He says religion has taught that:

  • We need to separate abuse from the abuser. If so, we then tend to accept the abusive nature of the person. We are taught to “love the sinner but hate the sin”,
  • We should be able to pray and hope the abuser will change. It’s a trap because we cannot change the other person. We become sicker if we maintain contact and wait for the abuser to change,
  • We think we’re on the right side of the fence. We think we’re doing the right thing by staying and praying for the abuser. We stay hoping for resolution to problems in the relationship. The reality is there are only two options in warfare. We either fight to conquer or fight to distance and to establish peace in our life. We cannot conquer a narcissist.

The church has taught that we can separate abuse from the abuser, that we can “love our enemies”, and that we can separate sin from the sinner. The church has led us astray and conditioned us to stay in abusive situations. Instead, the reality is that the demonic entity and person are one. Anytime they’re a bully, they are one, and they are married with the entity.

At some point, we need radical acceptance. We need to accept the nature of abusive persons in this world. We will have a transformative view when we see we are not all the same. With evil, there is a violent, deceptive and hostile part of their nature. We cannot afford to walk around any longer thinking we can reach a good nature within abusers. We cannot mix and mingle. If we mingle with evil, we are dealing with a nature that is not like our nature. If we fall into the trap of praying for them, we can pray for a lifetime and they will not change. Instead, we change our prayer for ourselves and for what our next move will be.

Spiritual warfare is supposed to be used for having boundaries, for having discernment, and keeping narcissists out of our lives. Spiritual warfare is not meant for us to conquer narcissists and to have some kind of unification in the family. We are not the same. The narcissist manipulates and we pull away for protection.

Jealousy: The Green-Eyed Monster in the Narcissist

The Steve sociopath often acted superior and as if he was entitled to do and say whatever he wanted. There was no remorse but, rather, continual devaluation as if he did nothing wrong. Therefore, I did not suspect that he was jealous of who I am and what I do. Paula, on Narc Con, describes the state of envy and jealousy that are predominant in persons on the spectrum of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

There is a range for persons on the spectrum of NPD. There are persons with narcissistic traits next to persons with diagnosed narcissistic personality disorder. The range includes malignant narcissists, borderlines, histrionics, sociopaths and psychopaths.

When people have narcissistic traits, we see these traits in different types of friends. We see fair weather friends who stick around as long as everything is going fantastically well. They want to be in our lives but are nowhere to be found if things get rocky and we need support. They just want to feed off our character traits and energy but don’t really care about us.

Other friends don’t want to share happy times. They, too, run if disaster strikes or things are really bad for us. Persons with these narcissistic traits will come as voyeurs to see us when we’re down. They take in what’s happening, feel better about themselves, offer fake support, and get something from us being in a low position and then off they go. Genuine friends want to be there for good and bad times and they offer support. Most so called “friends” come to get something from us.

In contrast, on the spectrum of mental health, there are empaths who are in a normal range and super empaths on the right side of the continuum. Empaths are able to give to others rather than take, take, take and devalue. Normal people have negative traits which are balanced with compassion and empathy. Normal people are able to balance their behavior so jealousy, envy, and destruction do not dominate their lives. They are able to step back and work on themselves by asking why they’re feeling what they’re feeling.

Persons with NPD are incapable of emotional empathy, peace, or love. The closest they get to that emotion is when they’re getting narcissistic supply. They put someone down to feel better about themselves. So, the nearest they get to contentment and peace is when they put others down to feel in control. Satisfaction is a temporary state because they are dependent on getting narcissistic supply at the expense of someone’s demise. They have to fuel themselves off the destruction of others.

Persons with NPD have a lot of emotions on the negative spectrum, a huge degree of envy and jealousy, whereas empaths feel contentment and love. Those with NPD fail to be self-regulated because they need others to survive in life. They let the demonic in and walk a destructive path though they believe it’s the right path. They focus on hurting others before they get hurt. They have to be three steps ahead, deceive people, and control to survive.

They resent being dependent on others because this is a contradiction to the terms they set up in their way of life. They need people to look down on. They are infuriated when people don’t see their way of life as being sustainable. They are like a rat going around in circles, fighting against the empathic way of living. Their life is one of continual struggle as they obsess about exerting power and control over others. Thus, they are envious of peace and happiness. Thus, they are envious of empaths.

They don’t want to see empaths happy and peaceful on their own. When empaths are at peace, narcissists have no power and control. If narcissists see the empath joking and happy and/or with peaceful sleep, they resent empaths. When empaths are on their healing journey, doing better, looking well, making progress, they can’t fathom this because they’ve done everything they can to keep that from happening. They targeted empaths because they saw the potential in them. They work to put them down to prove they are right about everything. If empaths make progress, they will do everything they can to take them down!

Persons with NPD mirror emotions back to other people. When they leave or criticize empaths, they don’t like the reflection they get back. When they see the reflection, they are enraged, infuriated, and they engage flying monkeys to go on a smear campaign to discredit the empath. They also bait empaths so they’ll react. Then they can say ‘look, that is what they do all the time’. If empaths seek justice and truth, if empaths defend their position, they will set up situations to prove their point. They enjoy trying to trigger righteous indignation because they want to destroy empaths by causing them to react. Paula says “ignore them and their crap. Let them live alone in their chaos, evil, demonic situation. When they are ignored, they suffer a huge narcissistic injury.”

Narcissists copy empaths. They do not have a lot of what it takes to create something themselves. Instead of being constructive, they succeed by attacking others. They bring attention to themselves by ganging up like demons on a person who is doing good.

For me, when the relationship with the sociopath was dying, the Steve sociopath held me in a living room rocking chair and said “you’re so good. It’s makes me feel guilty”. So, he was jealous because he felt less than while, in his fantasy world, he needed to feel superior. Even so, he ran a smear campaign through the divorce process and stooped to whatever level was necessary to win. He stalked, harassed, and assaulted for ten years after divorce because he knew I was moving on. I was studying to gain a college education and to gain my liberation.

In the end, he gained nothing but a tormented life in which he learned he has no control over me. He only has more emptiness to deal with because I need him for nothing and stay far away from the demonic. He will always be jealous of the super empath who survived his senseless brutality. He feels powerless after doing all he could to destroy me and failed.

Are Narcissists jealous when you move on?

“Jealousy is the green-eyed monster that resides inside each and every Narcissist.

It’s the reason why most “victims” are selected to begin with. You have something — looks, intelligence, social skills or status, money, job, empathy, friends—that makes the Narcissist want to associate with you. They want what you have but without doing any work. Once they’ve acquired —in their distorted minds— what you possess, they’re done.

During the devaluation and, particularly, during the discarding phases, you’ll experience that jealousy as the Narcissist tears apart all of your best qualities. Why? Because this is the reward that the Narcissist was seeking all along: to feel superior to someone they secretly know is superior to them.

When the Narcissist sees that you have moved on and are flourishing, it makes them extremely insecure and jealous. It goes against the Narc “script” that their victim, who some months ago was whittled into scrap wood, has risen like a mighty oak.

They will be beside themselves when they catch a glimpse of the new, secure you. And they will plot to undermine your growth.

The shifty Narc may well attempt a hoover in order to derail you. Don’t let them! Stay NO Contact.

Let them wallow in their jealousy and insecurity.”

Why does a narcissist get jealous when you move on?

“Because how could you?! They’re the best! What about their precious egos?!

Also, they’ve taken all that time to groom you into the perfect punching bag. Now they have to go out and find a new “worthy” supply that will put up with their crap. Side pieces & “ass” may be easy to come by, but not a “main supply” that will validate them consistently, boost their image, and tolerate their BS. They didn’t have to wear a mask with you, now they have to go through the whole process of pretending again & mirroring some new poor soul, and that takes work – the tragedy!”

Scary Personality Traits That Make Narcissists EXTREMELY Dangerous

There are two kinds of personal power. We choose either power over or power with. If we choose power over, we are controlling, dominating, and we exploit others. If we choose power with, we respect and cooperate with other people, care about them, and we choose win-win solutions.

Mindset of Power Over Narcissistic Controllers

In my experience, I see far too many power over controllers in this epidemic of narcissism. I have experienced the mindset of the controllers in my life as:

Malignant narcissist: ‘You do what I say, or I will rage, intimidate, threaten and punish you. If you confront me, I will threaten suicide or I will pretend to placate you.’

Covert martyr ploy: ‘You do what I say or I will manipulate you. I will feign health problems, go to the emergency room, blame you for causing my symptoms, and I will run a smear campaign about you so everyone feels sorry for me. I will control both you and my flying monkeys by creating fear of my impending death.’

Borderline: ‘You do what I say or I will devalue and undermine you, talk behind your back, lie to your face, pretend I care about you, and run a smear campaign so flying monkeys take my side and you are isolated’.

Sociopath: ‘You do what I say or I will sadistically punish you with violence, stalking, harassment, use children to hurt you, lie about you, and laugh at your suffering. I will obsess about destroying you in covert ways and, if necessary, murder you.’

Flying monkeys: ‘You do what the narcissist wants or we will gang up against you, run a smear campaign, bully you, ignore you, make fun of you, rage at you, and blame/shame you for causing all the problems in our family.’

Family court narcissists and sociopaths: ‘If you try to protect your children from the abuser, we will punish you severely. We will call you names such as crazy, vindictive, alienator, etc. and we will enable the batterer so he continues to harass and abuse both you and your children.’

Adult children with narcissistic traits: ‘If you do not comply, we will take your grandchildren away, not speak to you, ignore you, give you silent treatment, talk behind your back, and make fun of you. We will coddle the abusers in our family. We will abandon you and leave you alone unless you comply to our demands.’

Community: ‘We will blame you if you did not leave the batterer. You should have known better. We don’t care if leaving is the most dangerous time or that you don’t have the support you need. We choose to blame you rather than hold the narcissist/sociopath accountable for causing massive destruction in your family.’

Supervisors at work: ‘We micromanage everything you do. We make up so many rules it is impossible to remember all of them. If we want you to leave, we fabricate accusations and start a campaign to force you out. We lie and have no remorse. You are an object to us. We mistreat you though your work performance has consistently exceeded standards for years.’

Mindset of Power With Empaths

In contrast to controllers, empaths are born as children who depend on adults to survive. They don’t know they are “chosen ones” with a sacred contract designed to break intergenerational patterns of abuse. As they develop, they are targeted, scapegoated, raged at and punished for speaking truth. They are beat down by a family mob who hate both the scapegoat and truth. Empaths finally walk away and figure out what happened. When they finally make sense of it all, they are shocked to learn they survived layers of dark personality traits.

It is disturbing for empaths to recognize they were surrounded, in childhood, by people with psychopathic traits. As children, it was too frightening to believe that their birth family hates, devalues, undermines, scapegoats and even wishes them harm. So, empaths typically denied the truth and concluded something was wrong with them. Later in life, they have to face reality and break through denial and gaslighting.

Empaths were in danger with both being around people who have dark personality traits and, with being naive about their reality. Empaths who are not street-smart think that people can learn to resolve conflict and get along with one another. The mindset of empaths who lack boundaries is thinking: ‘Can we work this out with kindness and respect? I care about you and don’t want to see you get hurt. I forget about myself in the process and I get abused. But I believe we can maintain our relationship if we can learn to communicate.’

Empaths who are naive and who lack boundaries have a huge lesson to learn if they want to stop volunteering for abuse. The lesson is that most people use power, control, and manipulation to get what they want. These abusive people look for those who are naive, vulnerable, and not street-smart as a source of narcissistic supply. They drain empaths of energy until empaths wake up and start protecting themselves from energy vampires.

Even more, empaths need to learn that many people with personality disorders never take personal responsibility for their actions. These disordered persons lack empathy and only pretend to care. Empaths must learn to listen to gut instinct so they are not conned by those who pretend.

Hare Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R)

When empaths awaken to see the true spiritual nature of people, including loved ones in their families, it is painful. It is “perhaps the most difficult and painful psychological task a human being can be called on to face” when they come to terms with evil in one’s parentage” (Dr Scott Peck, M.D.). In addition, Dr. Peck states that “there really are people, and institutions full of people who respond with hatred in the presence of goodness and would destroy the good insofar as it is in their power to do so”.

When empaths awaken, they begin to see the reality of good versus evil. They have much to learn with discerning who is safe to be around and who is not. Empaths are targets when they are ignorant about dark personalities. When empaths become aware of the spiritual warfare that exists between narcissists and empaths, they are finally in touch with reality and protect themselves.

When empaths balance spiritual awareness with a psychological perspective. they learn about personality disorders and persons on the continuum of sociopathy. Donna Anderson, on, states that the term “sociopath” is used according to its original meaning, as a term that describes people, who are pathological in their social relationships, including narcissists. Clinically, they could be diagnosed with antisocial, narcissistic, borderline, histrionic or psychopathic personality disorders.”

Using Donna’s term “sociopath”, we see psychopathic traits in all of these personality disorders. We see the traits of psychopathy in Dr. Robert Hare’s Psychopathy Checklist and, thus, identify traits of psychopathy in our family. The Hare Psychopathy Checklist Revised is a psychological assessment tool designed to assess the presence of psychopathy in individuals. It consists of a 20-item checklist of perceived personality traits and observable behaviors. It is intended to be completed on the basis of a semi-structured interview along with a review of ancillary information.

The PCL was originally developed in the 1970s by Canadian psychologist Robert Hare for use in psychology experiments. It has since undergone revision to the newer PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist – Revised) in which 2 of the questions from the original assessment were removed after statistical analysis showed said questions to be unhelpful.”

Scary Personality Traits

Dr. Ramani, in the video below, describes five traits in a dark triad personality. She calls these d people and uses the dark trait model to capture what makes psychopathy, sociopathy and narcissism so dangerous. Anyone who comes in contact with these d people are viewed as disposable objects that exist solely for their needs. They justify their actions by believing others are less than them and treat them with contemptuous dismissiveness. They treat others as trash, they use them up, and throw them away. The five traits include:

  • lack of empathy is not just cold callousness. It includes reckless almost intentional disregard. Some who lack empathy are aloof and indifferent while some go out of their way to sadistically stick it to other people
  • selfishness is not just egocentricity. It includes:
  • lying
  • revenge
  • self-serving entitlement. They believe they can say and do whatever they want and they can take whatever they want. They are vindictive and cruel. Rules do not apply to them

“Dark Triad traits may be measured in multiple ways. One of the more popular instruments is a 12-item questionnaire nicknamed the “Dirty Dozen,” which was published in 2010 by Jonason of the University of West Florida and Gregory Webster of the University of Florida. Below are the questions (Items 1-4 measure Machiavellianism; items 5-8, psychopathy; and items 9-12, narcissism) which are rated on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). The higher the score, the higher the Dark Triad tendencies”:

  1. I tend to manipulate others to get my way.
  2. I have used deceit or lied to get my way.
  3. I have used flattery to get my way.
  4. I tend to exploit others toward my own end.
  5. I tend to lack remorse.
  6. I tend to be unconcerned with the morality of my actions.
  7. I tend to be callous or insensitive.
  8. I tend to be cynical.
  9. I tend to want others to admire me.
  10. I tend to want others to pay attention to me.
  11. I tend to seek prestige or status.
  12. I tend to expect special favors from others.

To make it more complicated, Dr. Ramani educates about “dark empaths”. These are narcissists with the dark pattern but have what looks like empathy. They can be aware of other people’s needs and may even respond. But they manipulate and are selfish. They tend to be more terrifying because they cause confusion. They have just enough empathy to trick other people in their relationships and gradually destroy them. I agree with Dr. Ramani: I would rather deal with a dark triad in-my-face narcissist than a narcissist who hides their dark triad with pretending to care.

How Can You Tell if Someone Has Dark Triad Traits?

“It can be challenging to recognize a person with a dark triad personality because “they’re charismatic and charming,” said Hokemeyer. “They’re masters at flattery and making a person feel like they’re special and fortunate to be in the presence of a person of elevated taste, intelligence, and compassion.”

But people with dark triad personalities can’t sustain this perception forever. “They eventually burn out relationships by exploiting the people with whom they become close,” explained Hokemeyer.

What Is the Dark Triad?

The term the dark triad was coined by two researchers in 2002 and published in the Journal of Research and Personality. It describes a witch’s brew of three different but interrelated negative personality types. You’ve probably heard of them:

  • Narcissism: This is defined as feeling superior and entitled, but underneath the grandiosity is typically a sense of inadequacy.
  • Machiavellianism: This means being highly manipulative, willing to deceive others to get what they want, and having a cynical view of the world.
  • Psychopathy: Key traits include lacking empathy and being emotionally cold, while also impulsive and prone to taking big risks.

“Central to these types is a person’s disregard for others and an obsession with self,” Paul Hokemeyer, PhD, a psychotherapist and author of “Fragile Power: Why Having Everything Is Never Enough,” told Health. “They lack compassion, empathy, and a moral compass.”

People with dark triad traits rate high in their willingness to exploit anyone to get ahead and experience little remorse when they cause harm to others. They can also be deceitful and aggressive.”

Light/Dark Triad Test

The Dark Triad and Light Triad tests are both popular, research-backed tests that measure your dark (antisocial) and light (prosocial) traits, respectively.

This test is one of the first to combine the Dark and Light Triad into a single test, delivering composite results.

Do you tend toward the dark or the light side of personality? For each of the following questions, indicate how well it describes you below.

Isolation for the Chosen One (Family Scapegoat)

I did not want to believe this. I did not want to hear that family members hoped something bad would happen. They find the life of the scapegoat entertaining and something to gossip about. I definitely saw the gossip train, the smear campaign, the triangulating, and gossip about my life in the community and all the way down to a state far away from where I live. Why could I not believe the scapegoat is an object to be used for their entertainment? The narcissistic family regime unites, gangs up on one person and tries to destroy the scapegoat. When they don’t succeed, they hope for second best. Second best is something bad happens to destroy the scapegoat. They are controlling and vindictive.

The mind of the empath does not think like this. So, in my experience, it takes experience, reflection, and research to differentiate from the narcissists and to see the dark side of humanity (including family). I finally know better after decades of surviving narcissists and sociopaths. I finally know our enemies live among us and put on a mask of pretending to care. Bottom line is that if we don’t comply to their agenda, we see the mask come off and we see the real person inside.

After decades of persecution, I have learned to balance empathy with boundaries. Boundaries are necessary so empaths feel safe and so their nervous system can return to a baseline state of calm. Empaths, also, have to learn that natural law will serve accountability on narcissists and sociopaths. Therefore, I have learned to put my tender trap on hold and prepare for what is coming to those who gang up and destroy empaths. In other words, I let go. It is conditional “love”. I do not care what happens to the Steve sociopath. The empath must learn tough love.

In the video below, Prerna explains what happens when family scapegoats leave. When the family scapegoat (the chosen one) starts figuring out who family members truly are, they start isolating. The narcissistic family regime is confused about why the scapegoat acts different than how they used to. The scapegoat no longer tells them every detail of their life. The family scapegoat used to say yes to everything. They begin to realize that not everyone has empathy nor genuinely cares about them.

When scapegoats isolate, it’s like the family regime lost the subscription they had to the life of their scapegoat. Suddenly, the scapegoat took away the subscription to their entertainment. Some family members stalk the scapegoat, on social media and/or in gossip, behind closed doors. Some feel mad when they don’t know the scapegoat’s every move. These scapegoaters are energy vampires. They want to know more about the scapegoat so they have something to gossip about.

Boundaries are essential so family scapegoats do not continuously give to energy vampires. The vampires will only manipulate scapegoats and make them think they genuinely care. Cut them off. Those who genuinely care will cause scapegoats to feel calm and peaceful in their presence. Spiritual discernment is necessary.

These vampires can’t stop thinking about the scapegoat. They have not done the inner work and need narcissistic supply. Meanwhile, the scapegoats have done their inner healing so they wonder why they think about the vampires. Thought transmission is when a person or group of people are thinking and/or talking about the one who left. They want to know if anybody has heard from the scapegoat and what’s going on in their life. The scapegoats are the point of discussion even when they are not present. If the empath is sensitive, they will notice thought transmission is like a thought email in their inbox. (I recall a significant other in my past, who was a narcissist, who told me he intentionally sent thoughts to his son. Now that I know he does this, my job is to send him the thought in return ‘Leave me alone. I’m done’ when he does this to me).

It’s a sad fact that the majority of people left behind in the family scapegoat’s past are actually expecting to hear bad news about them. Many want to hear something bad happened to the scapegoat. It makes people happy to know the scapegoat failed or something miserable happened to them.

Purpose of Isolation

Prerna, in the video below, states that isolation is one of most important aspects of the journey as a chosen one. At first it can feel like punishment. However, when everything is taken away, in a dark night of the soul, it is meant for our protection. When God wakes us up, multiple things happen at the same time or one huge thing happens. That is what starts the phase of the chosen one going into isolation.

The experience can seem confusing at first. It is unlike anything anyone else we know has ever faced. It can seem like everyone is surrounded by groups of people while chosen ones are put in a secret spot with nobody to talk to. Chosen ones may have a contact list of friends but can’t really speak about what they’re going through.

Prerna says that God puts us in a secret spot, isolation, to find who we truly are. It is a time meant to find our true essence and to figure out our true purpose. It is time to find our destiny of who we are to become. It is time needed without distractions, to be alone with self, and to hear God clearly. Chosen ones encouraged others to be the best version of themselves and also were a strong rock in other people’s lives. In the secret spot, it is time for chosen ones to care for self, to do what they want to do, rather than always giving to others.

The secret spot is a training period with God. It is a time to learn to care for self, heal trauma, do inner child healing and shadow work, master emotions, and practice mindfulness. Spiritual gifts get unlocked at this time and they learn to discern. This is the time to learn more about who they are and who they are destined to become before everyone told them what to become. Chosen ones gain wisdom in this time. They transform into a completely new person.

Prerna states that 95% of the population are not ready to do the inner work. Instead, people give into distractions, are glued to their phones, and cannot be silent for a second. People, in general, are always moving around in groups and want another person’s energy to feel good about themselves.

Isolation is imperative for internal growth. God separates chosen ones from the 95% so they are not around energy vampires. It is a time to heal, recover, and renew oneself. Everyday there is learning about something new, being responsible for a new obstacle or challenge, learning spiritual gifts, and/or gaining wisdom and clarity. It is taking baby steps of growth and awareness.

It is learning to be careful about who they spend time with. If energy feels off, they learn to use discernment because they cannot afford to give energy out to everyone. The time alone is valuable for working on body, mind, and soul. Chosen ones learn how meditation gives them instructions from God (their boss). They work on fitness, nutrition, inner healing and do what makes their soul happy. Chosen ones learn to enjoy time alone.

The Beauty of An Empath

With an epidemic of narcissists, sociopaths and flying monkeys in our world, it is refreshing to focus on the empaths in our world. Danielle must be one of them. She tells her story, in the article below, about being vaccine injured. The article includes a video recording of an interview she shared with CHD.TV.

I think the video is worth listening to. To me, I hear her heart of compassion throughout her life. She cares deeply about her family, her marriage, her job, and even other people though she is suffering horrific injury, disability, and heartbreak. Though she struggles to put words together and get through each day, her heart of compassion is strong and steady with who she is.

She is one of the truly great people in our world in spite of the evil that dismantled her life and that surrounds us. Her husband sounds as if he, too, is a pillar of strength and support. The inner strength and beauty, that shines from these two souls, is inspirational. It puts the forces of darkness to shame for causing unimaginable pain, crippling, and destruction.

“Ohio native Danielle Baker had a career she loved, working as a certified hospice and palliative care registered nurse. She married the love of her life in the summer of 2020 and was enjoying life with her husband, her son and her stepdaughter.

By 2021, Baker was “the healthiest I had ever been,” she told The Defender.

But Baker’s life as she knew it came crashing to a halt, just days after being coerced in June 2021, by her then-employer, into receiving the two-dose series of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Today, Baker, now 43, is permanently disabled, unable to work, faces financial ruin and has lost the ability to perform numerous everyday tasks and basic bodily functions.

In an interview with The Defender, following a separate interview with CHD.TV’s “The People’s Testament,” Baker shared her story.

“My mission is to attempt to help one person at a time through stepping up and sharing my story,” Baker told The Defender, “If I am able to accomplish that, then I have done what I am aiming to do.”


Self-defense and self-protective boundaries are critical for an empath. As an empath, I lived a lifetime of suppressing feelings and needs in order to survive toxic male violence. As a female, I was taught to “be nice”, to nurture, and to deny anger. I eventually learned that socially accepted masculine and feminine roles, in the patriarchal, social engineering, brainwashing matrix, enabled toxic males to abuse and dominate and oppressed females to be submissive and victim. When toxic males strive to dominate, they use verbal abuse and worse! Yulk!

These quotes, from Patricia Evans, got my attention!

“Don’t ever delude yourself into thinking that you should have the ability to stay serene no matter how you are treated. Your serenity comes from the knowledge that you have a fundamental right to a nurturing environment and a fundamental right to affirm your boundaries.”
― Patricia Evans, The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to Recognize it and How to Respond

“In a verbally abusive relationship, the partner learns to tolerate abuse without realizing it and to lose self-esteem without realizing it. She is blamed by the abuser and becomes the scapegoat. The partner is then the victim.”

“Verbal abuse is a violation, not a conflict. There is a definite difference between conflict and abuse. In a conflict each participant wants something different. In order to resolve the conflict, the two people in the relationship discuss their wants, needs, and reasons while mutually seeking a creative solution. There may or may not be a solution, but no one forces, dominates, or controls the other. Verbal abuse, on the other hand, is very different from a conflict. If we describe verbal abuse from the standpoint of boundary violation, we would describe it as an intrusion upon, or disregard of, one’s self by a person who disregards boundaries in a sometimes relentless pursuit of Power Over, superiority, and dominance by covert or overt means.”

“The victim of abuse is taught to believe that although she is hurting, she shouldn’t be, or that she is in some way responsible. From childhood, she is conditioned not to understand her feelings and so not to recognize the truth. This truth is that she is being abused and blamed for the abuse (as if it could be justified) and for feeling bad about it (as if her feelings were wrong). The typical partner believed the abuser’s denial and so became frustrated and confused even while she searched for answers. Unable to reach clarity and understanding, the partner was left with feelings of inadequacy and confusion. If her mate was not wrong, if he was not lying, if she did take things wrong, then she could believe only that “something must be wrong with the way she was — how she expressed herself, how she came across, or possibly with her feelings and experience of reality itself.” Thus the doubts of childhood rose up once more. She kept her mind open to what she might hear that would reveal what was wrong — why she suffered. She became, therefore, the perfect victim.”

Controlling People

“Controllers think differing ideas and views are personal opposition to be rejected and destroyed” (Patricia Evans).

Controlling people feel entitled to get their way without considering the needs of the other person. They typically are impulsive and react with irritability and anger in order to control other people. They lack insight and compassion with being sensitive to the feelings of the people they attack. It is imperative that empaths learn how dangerous Planet Earth can be especially as we experience an epidemic of narcissistic control dramas:

Four Control Dramas From the Celestine Prophecy:

James Redfield, author of Celestine Prophecy, suggests that we create control dramas in order to get energy from other people:

1. The intimidator control drama is the most aggressive and uses anger and threats to create fear:

Discover the Control Dramas

2. The interrogator control drama is aggressive and steals energy by criticizing, judging and asking intrusive questions:

Discover the Control Dramas

3. The aloof control drama steals energy by walking away, acting reserved, and/or using silent treatment:

Discover the Control Dramas

4. The poor me control drama is the most passive and steals energy by using guilt trips and getting people to feel sorry and responsible for fixing problems:

Discover the Control Dramas

Five Protective Strategies for Empaths

As empaths, we need to listen to gut instinct. We need to emotionally detach when we are feeling sensory overload. We need to be assertive rather than always putting the needs of other people first. We need to be ready to use visualized lion or jaguar energy when caught in situations with controllers:

  • shielding visualization
  • define and express relationships needs
  • establish energetic boundaries at work and home
  • prevent empathy overload
  • jaguar protection meditation

Sociopaths Love Empaths

Empaths provide a feeding frenzy for controllers i.e. sociopaths. Sociopaths thrive if empaths keep trying too hard to please them and/or to emotionally connect with them. When I was young, I did not know. I did not know there are some people who cannot genuinely give and receive in order to create a supportive, mutual, and compassionate bond. I did not know that some people thrive from stealing energy, using control dramas, and destroying other people. I did not know what evil truly is. Sociopaths passionately hate empaths when they lose narcissistic supply because the empath figured out the sociopath’s stealing energy game plan of destruction and even death. Empaths learn to STAY AWAY from the sociopath!

Giving and Receiving Energy

The sociopath will never experience a successful, genuine relationship of care and respect. The empath, however, can. We can learn to exit our control dramas and, instead, share energy with one another. The movie, Celestine Prophecy, is helpful for learning how we try to control others and how we can, instead, experience mutually supportive relationships:

When Self Defense Becomes Kinetic

I used to hate violence and studied non-violence, by Marshall Rosenberg, to avoid control dramas. However, I have learned there are times when violence cannot be avoided. This is because some people have no conscience, they enjoy hurting and destroying other people, and they go to great lengths in order to get what they want. They lack empathy for others.

These criminals destroy our health, abduct our children, exploit us financially, take away our freedoms, use tyranny and treats to dominate, and they have agendas to depopulate the human race. It appears that we are all currently learning what evil truly is on this planet. We are all seeing the need to fight back or be destroyed. We are seeing the need to speak up or be trampled upon. I now believe that we can do all we can to keep our lives peaceful and in harmony with others. But, there is a time when evil is so barbaric that only self-defense and military might is essential:

In general, when you respond to verbal abuse, speak firmly and clearly, stand or sit straight and tall, hold your head high, look the abuser in the eye, and breathe deeply, letting your abdomen expand with the intake of air.”
― Patricia Evans, 
The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to Recognize It and How to Respond

Why the Sociopath Will Not Thrive

The sociopath may win the battle but he/she will lose the war. There are insights, in the video below, which explain why the sociopath cannot win. Some of the insights are as follows: The sociopath has the seeds of destruction within him. Sociopaths are spiritually static. We must watch to see what happens to persons who become so evil, ruthless, and negative. These persons lack a connection to higher intelligence. Their ego boat will be smashed when the river takes a turn. They will be terminal when they choose that road. They are not connected to higher intelligence. Since they cannot inhabit that space, they try to push everyone else down so they feel higher than the rest of humanity.

On the other hand, people who are connected to the Divine and are empaths, go within and let the Higher force guide us. As long as we are in that spiritual flow, we’re in our center. Daily, we live, in a spiritual and psychic war. To stay balanced, we align with the higher force which will give us strategy of what to do and when to do it. We need to live with our head in the clouds and our feet on the ground.

We, currently, are living in the age of revealing and awakening. The speaker, in this video, is talking about current world politics. He encourages us with knowing that the evil empire is doomed especially as the masses are waking up to how their evil agenda is one of depopulation and destruction. The evil empire is full of sociopaths and psychopaths who have no conscience nor empathy. All they seek is profit and domination. They want to be God.
You see, evil always contains the seeds of its own destruction. It is  ultimately negative, and therefore encompasses its downfall even at its  moments of apparent triumph. No matter how grandiose, how

Watch to See What Happens

The sociopath I survived was obsessive, extremely vindictive, without conscience and empathy, stooped to using children, is a pathological liar, is haughty and arrogant, created drama to get narcissistic supply, etc. He could put on a Jekyll-Hyde mask of sanity to con the public. He thought he could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted to do it. As he ages, it sounds that karma catches up to him: He:

  • had gallbladder surgery
  • had knee surgery
  • takes antidepressants (unknown what other medications he takes)
  • is an alcoholic
  • is overweight though he used to exercise
  • ended up in jail and divorced for assaulting his second wife
  • quickly remarried to a female as young as our daughter, who is of another ethnicity, and is still not happy
  • has children who have realized he does not care about them
  • has lost total contact with his daughter who fought back once after decades of suffering abuse from the sociopath. She was surprised she blurted out a comment when being yelled at over the phone. She said ‘all of this started because of your divorce’ The sociopath then refused all contact with his daughter and immediately sought ways to punish her and did.
  • takes responsibility for none of his horrible behaviors because he is like teflon
  • had a heart attack which required two stints
  • is a senior sociopath and still has not found his ideal job, life, nor romantic love
  • was so afraid of a covid virus that he refused to be around our son and help when our son suffered a serious health crisis

Ten Reasons Sociopaths are Losers

Donna Anderson, on describes sociopaths as follows. They

  • cannot love they way we do, cannot feel empathy and are not interested in caregiving
  • cannot be trusted, they want power and control, their objective is always to win, they always have an ulterior motive
  • are empty inside, they have no real passion, only temporary obsessions, but they don’t care deeply about any person, thing or ideal. They are like cardboard cutouts
  • have no real friends, they have co-conspirators, dupes, and are alone in the world
  • have no real sense of family, they’ll never be there for you unless something is in it for them, they will take advantage of relatives who will then feel abused
  • have schemes that fall apart, grandiose plans that depend on other people’s money
  • have financial problems, they get fired, lose contracts, get sued, run up debt and don’t pay bills
  • have legal problems, they are criminals even if they are not arrested, they have lawsuits, divorces, child custody battles none of which bother the sociopath
  • crash and burn, they race along for awhile even for years, at some point, their unconscionable behavior catches up to them, their karma, they may be arrested, estranged from everyone in their lives, etc.
  • tend to die early, they have promiscuous sex, commit crimes, are violent, they may anger the wrong person and eventually run out of targets

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

It sure would help if there was an obvious means for detecting the sociopath. It seems we don’t have sociopaths on our radar until we have a significant and destructive experience with them. That is why we must be in tune with our gut so we can detect when someone is being deceptive. Sociopaths have an easier time of detecting someone who will be loyal to him. So, it is up to us to learn from life experience and to be prepared when we have another wolf in our midst.

A Wolf in Sheeps clothing | Sociopath quote, Narcissistic personality  disorder, Quotes