
Self-defense and self-protective boundaries are critical for an empath. As an empath, I lived a lifetime of suppressing feelings and needs in order to survive toxic male violence. As a female, I was taught to “be nice”, to nurture, and to deny anger. I eventually learned that socially accepted masculine and feminine roles, in the patriarchal, social engineering, brainwashing matrix, enabled toxic males to abuse and dominate and oppressed females to be submissive and victim. When toxic males strive to dominate, they use verbal abuse and worse! Yulk!

These quotes, from Patricia Evans, got my attention!

“Don’t ever delude yourself into thinking that you should have the ability to stay serene no matter how you are treated. Your serenity comes from the knowledge that you have a fundamental right to a nurturing environment and a fundamental right to affirm your boundaries.”
― Patricia Evans, The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to Recognize it and How to Respond

“In a verbally abusive relationship, the partner learns to tolerate abuse without realizing it and to lose self-esteem without realizing it. She is blamed by the abuser and becomes the scapegoat. The partner is then the victim.”

“Verbal abuse is a violation, not a conflict. There is a definite difference between conflict and abuse. In a conflict each participant wants something different. In order to resolve the conflict, the two people in the relationship discuss their wants, needs, and reasons while mutually seeking a creative solution. There may or may not be a solution, but no one forces, dominates, or controls the other. Verbal abuse, on the other hand, is very different from a conflict. If we describe verbal abuse from the standpoint of boundary violation, we would describe it as an intrusion upon, or disregard of, one’s self by a person who disregards boundaries in a sometimes relentless pursuit of Power Over, superiority, and dominance by covert or overt means.”

“The victim of abuse is taught to believe that although she is hurting, she shouldn’t be, or that she is in some way responsible. From childhood, she is conditioned not to understand her feelings and so not to recognize the truth. This truth is that she is being abused and blamed for the abuse (as if it could be justified) and for feeling bad about it (as if her feelings were wrong). The typical partner believed the abuser’s denial and so became frustrated and confused even while she searched for answers. Unable to reach clarity and understanding, the partner was left with feelings of inadequacy and confusion. If her mate was not wrong, if he was not lying, if she did take things wrong, then she could believe only that “something must be wrong with the way she was — how she expressed herself, how she came across, or possibly with her feelings and experience of reality itself.” Thus the doubts of childhood rose up once more. She kept her mind open to what she might hear that would reveal what was wrong — why she suffered. She became, therefore, the perfect victim.”

Controlling People

“Controllers think differing ideas and views are personal opposition to be rejected and destroyed” (Patricia Evans).

Controlling people feel entitled to get their way without considering the needs of the other person. They typically are impulsive and react with irritability and anger in order to control other people. They lack insight and compassion with being sensitive to the feelings of the people they attack. It is imperative that empaths learn how dangerous Planet Earth can be especially as we experience an epidemic of narcissistic control dramas:

Four Control Dramas From the Celestine Prophecy:

James Redfield, author of Celestine Prophecy, suggests that we create control dramas in order to get energy from other people:

1. The intimidator control drama is the most aggressive and uses anger and threats to create fear:

Discover the Control Dramas

2. The interrogator control drama is aggressive and steals energy by criticizing, judging and asking intrusive questions:

Discover the Control Dramas

3. The aloof control drama steals energy by walking away, acting reserved, and/or using silent treatment:

Discover the Control Dramas

4. The poor me control drama is the most passive and steals energy by using guilt trips and getting people to feel sorry and responsible for fixing problems:

Discover the Control Dramas

Five Protective Strategies for Empaths

As empaths, we need to listen to gut instinct. We need to emotionally detach when we are feeling sensory overload. We need to be assertive rather than always putting the needs of other people first. We need to be ready to use visualized lion or jaguar energy when caught in situations with controllers:

  • shielding visualization
  • define and express relationships needs
  • establish energetic boundaries at work and home
  • prevent empathy overload
  • jaguar protection meditation

Sociopaths Love Empaths

Empaths provide a feeding frenzy for controllers i.e. sociopaths. Sociopaths thrive if empaths keep trying too hard to please them and/or to emotionally connect with them. When I was young, I did not know. I did not know there are some people who cannot genuinely give and receive in order to create a supportive, mutual, and compassionate bond. I did not know that some people thrive from stealing energy, using control dramas, and destroying other people. I did not know what evil truly is. Sociopaths passionately hate empaths when they lose narcissistic supply because the empath figured out the sociopath’s stealing energy game plan of destruction and even death. Empaths learn to STAY AWAY from the sociopath!

Giving and Receiving Energy

The sociopath will never experience a successful, genuine relationship of care and respect. The empath, however, can. We can learn to exit our control dramas and, instead, share energy with one another. The movie, Celestine Prophecy, is helpful for learning how we try to control others and how we can, instead, experience mutually supportive relationships:

When Self Defense Becomes Kinetic

I used to hate violence and studied non-violence, by Marshall Rosenberg, to avoid control dramas. However, I have learned there are times when violence cannot be avoided. This is because some people have no conscience, they enjoy hurting and destroying other people, and they go to great lengths in order to get what they want. They lack empathy for others.

These criminals destroy our health, abduct our children, exploit us financially, take away our freedoms, use tyranny and treats to dominate, and they have agendas to depopulate the human race. It appears that we are all currently learning what evil truly is on this planet. We are all seeing the need to fight back or be destroyed. We are seeing the need to speak up or be trampled upon. I now believe that we can do all we can to keep our lives peaceful and in harmony with others. But, there is a time when evil is so barbaric that only self-defense and military might is essential:

In general, when you respond to verbal abuse, speak firmly and clearly, stand or sit straight and tall, hold your head high, look the abuser in the eye, and breathe deeply, letting your abdomen expand with the intake of air.”
― Patricia Evans, 
The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to Recognize It and How to Respond

Religious Indoctrination

As a child, religious indoctrination taught me that we go to heaven or hell when we die. I no longer believe what I was taught. I have learned that the bible has been tampered with. I, now, believe, that the evil empire has used religion to dumb down and brainwash the masses. As long as we believe what the evil empire wants us to believe, we stay passive, we do not see what evil is doing to destroy planet Earth, and evil is not held accountable. We even learn to fear death. I have concluded that we have to learn to discern what is truth when we read the bible.

I had been very dedicated to Lutheran religious indoctrination prior to dark nights of the soul. I had been taught that “the Lord” loves and protects us when we believe. That is not what I experienced, through decades of trauma and loss. I experienced extreme confusion, contradiction, and began to question religious indoctrination. I felt angry and betrayed by “the Lord” I had been taught to believe in. I felt fear that “the Lord” would punish me for feeling anger. I could not tolerate living in fear of a God who is supposed to love, protect, save lives, and hold evil accountable. Instead, I saw that evil got to do whatever it wanted to do with NO accountability. We are currently seeing this profound proliferation of evil and lack of accountability in our world. It is time to ask questions about why evil dominates planet Earth with little to no accountability. I wonder if religion has taught us to be passive and too nice.

I can do a quick internet search and find others who have investigated contradictions in the bible, the history of the bible, and questioned the various translations over the centuries. It seems obvious, to me, that people, with nefarious intentions, had ample opportunity to influence what was printed in the bible. It is alleged that books of the bible were intentionally left out. Why were early female religions and reverence for female deities left out? I read a feminist anthology, Womanspirit Rising, and discovered that texts revered by gnostic groups were rejected:

“The gnostic sources which describe God in both masculine and feminine terms often give a similar description of human nature as a dyadic entity, consisting of two equal male and female components. All the texts cited …. – secret gospels’, revelation, mystical teachings – are among those rejected from the select list of twenty-six that comprise the ‘New Testament’ collection. As these and other writings were sorted and judged by various Christian communities, every one of these texts which gnostic groups revered and shared was rejected from the canonical collection as ‘heterodox’ by those who called themselves ‘orthodox’ (literally, straight-thinking) Christians (emphasis mine). By the time this process was concluded, probably as late as the year A.D.200, virtually all the feminine imagery for God (along with any suggestion of an androgynous human creation) had disappeared from ‘orthodox’ Christian tradition” (Elaine H. Pagels “What Became of God the Mother? Conflicting Images of God in Early Christianity)

“The Gnostic Gospels: The 52 texts discovered in Nag Hammadi, Egypt include ‘secret’ gospels poems and myths attributing to Jesus sayings and beliefs which are very different from the New Testament. (From The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels)

Thus, there is much reason to seriously question what has been presented as religious truth, more specifically, the “Word of God”. I, now, believe the religious indoctrination was planned to keep us from being empowered, from being connected to the Divine, and from being united and caring for one another as human beings. I believe the evil empire, intentionally, created divide and conquer indoctrination in order to keep us in conflict with one another.

I read “The Goddess in the Gospels” by Margaret Starbird. In this author’s search for truth, she stumbled upon “the devastating flaw in the foundation of the Church – the scorned and repudiated feminine”. The author’s quest is to see the “hidden version of the Christian story survive”. She says that the teaching of misogyny was never the teaching of Jesus and she believes that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. I related to Margaret because she went through a serious breakdown of her health and was hospitalized. Her husband and family stood by her and supported her. My husband, the sociopath at the time, tried to destroy me, wouldn’t quit, and he enlisted our children in seeking my demise. Margaret’s health broke down in the same month and year as I did.

Margaret Starbird experienced a spiritual crisis as I did. She was hospitalized, for three days in 1986, in a mental health ward. My health crisis began, in 1986, but I avoided hospitalization. With what I knew about chemical medicine and the medical establishment, I would have felt terrified to be a patient in a hospital. The sociopath tried to get me hospitalized against my will. He failed as hard as he tried! I believe there was a Divine Plan!! Instead, I used orthomolecular medicine, support from Dr. Katherine, and time away from the sociopath. Margaret says she learned that “barely one-fourth of mentally ill patients are ever restored to normal functioning after their combination of ‘therapy’ and medication’. I feel thrilled, to this day, that the sociopath did not succeed with destroying me. I think ‘bring on the karma to the spath for trying to destroy those who did not deserve his brutality. He needs to see what pain and loss feels like if he is ever going to stop hurting other people.’ In Margaret’s book, she describes the “Harrowing Hell” pf what she experienced in chapter VIII of this book:

Paperback The Goddess in the Gospels : Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine Book

I have questions:

Why are women accused of bringing sin into the world? That unjustly brought misogyny into the world. That unjustly causes women to be blamed for what we did not do.

Why are we told to forgive and forget? That unjustly causes us to blame the victim rather than hold evil accountable. It turns us away from looking a the evil empire that is currently striving to dominate and destroy our world. In addition, forgive and forget teaches us to bypass healing and recovery:

Why are we told we are born in sin? That unjustly causes us to feel defective, not good enough, and always having to make ourselves good enough to have a Divine Connection. I read “Recreating Eden” and learned about the experience of Oneness and perfect alignment with our Creator. The author, Julia Rogers Hamrick, states that “without full circulation of Life Force in and through you, you cannot be who you were created to be, do what you were created to do, or have all that you were intended to have”.

Recreating Eden By Julia Rogers Hamrick

Why are we told to drink the body and blood of Jesus? That is what satanists do in their rituals.

Richard Dawkins quote: The idea that God could only forgive our sins by...

“Jeffrey Daugherty spent twenty years of his life as a Christian preacher and over a hundred thousand hours studying the New Testament in its original language. By looking at the native text, he started seeing a stark difference in the books written by the apostle Paul versus the apostle John.

These differences led to a crisis of faith for Daugherty, who was conflicted between his discoveries and the Church that he had given his whole life to. He had a family to provide for and his entire existence revolved around his affiliation with his church, from where he lived to what he ate to who he spent his time with. As he talked to his elders and asked them about the contradictions, his concerns were swept under the carpet with the “God works in mysterious ways” response or being told that his interpretation was mistaken or his faith just wasn’t strong enough.

But that wasn’t enough for Jeffrey Daugherty. He saw an agenda in the writings of Paul, an agenda of control and manipulation that seemed contradictory to the teachings of Jesus. Using the modern standard of the Bible, the King James Version, Daugherty saw changes in the text over time, once by being vetted and translated by the Roman Empire early in Christianity’s history and again by the English king in the Seventeenth Century.

This is more than your standard “organized religion is a scam to control humanity by unscrupulous bishops and priests”, Daugherty is flat out saying that a dark being is using Christianity itself to set the stage to take over our planet”


The book, Grounded Spirituality, by Jeff Brown, helped me see how religion, new age, platitudes quickly used in conversation, etc. often bypass the wisdom of our bodies. I learned that true spirituality is based in being grounded, in allowing our bodies to guide, energize, and return us to feeling whole again after suffering traumatic experiences. If we simply use religion to look good, we are missing the point. We have the answers within us.

Grounded Spirituality: Jeff Brown: 9781988648033: Books

Religious Conspiracy

I believe that the evil empire infiltrated with lies and religious indoctrination. Those hidden, behind this religious conspiracy, did so in order to keep the masses submissive, passive, confused, working for “salvation”, and the worst – keeping us disconnected from Life Force, our Creator. We need to be one, with the Life Force, in order to be guided, conscious, in the moment, and powerful creators in our lives. We, on planet Earth, are at a critical turning point as are in a spiritual battle of good versus evil. We are living through the unfolding of a dark agenda to take control of the masses through what I believe was a planscamdemic. It looks, to me, like a socialist-communist takeover. We must all wake up and unite in order to halt the domination of dark forces who masquerade as if they care about us. They don’t. With evil people, there is always a lie.

I took religion seriously for many years. It was a struggle to get deprogrammed from the brainwashing and indoctrination. There was so much guilt, shame, and fear which was meant to keep us under the mind control of religion. I am grateful to be liberated. It makes much more sense, to me, to live in Oneness with the Life Force and to be mindful. I can, then, be responsible for how I am being from within. Lower states of energy i.e shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger and pride keep us stuck and in ego. Courage, at the energetic level of 200, is the point of change and transformation. With courage, we can break through brainwashing and indoctrination, and rise to higher levels of consciousness and energy. Higher energetic frequencies are healing for our bodies:

How Do You Personally Prepare for Ascension? – Ascension Connection Call Thursday

For all the years I either:

  • read the bible,
  • participated in bible studies,
  • participated in religious rituals,
  • went to confirmation,
  • went to church
  • went to evangelical services,
  • memorized bible verses,
  • read newsletters,
  • watched religious movies,
  • prayed to the invisible man in the sky, etc.

my time could have been used more wisely by knowing all I had to do was to be ONE with the Life Force as my birthright. I listened to the video “Celestine Prophecy” over and over. The teachings in that DVD, the 12 Celestine Insights, are priceless and powerful:

The Celestine Prophecy
The Celestine Prophecy is based on James Redfield’s best-selling novel of the same


  • 1- Noticing Synchronicity
  • 2- The World has a “Spiritual Design”
  • 3- “Giving” The Karmic Design
  • 4- Human Control Dramas
  • 5-  The Spiritual Connection
  • 6- Sensing A Life Mission 
  • 7- Following Intuition
  • 8- Giving Energy Increases Synchronistic Experiences
  • 9- Fulfilling Human Destiny
  • 10- Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth
  • 11- The Power of Prayer
  • 12- The Sensation of God’s Presence Inside Us

“Synchronicity is the entry point, the measure of whether we’re connected spiritually. These “meaningful coincidences” are tiny miracles steering us toward the good life. They are always seeking first, to awaken us, and then to allow us to be guided by a spiritual connection to the unfolding of our intended destiny.  Staying in a state of alert expectation concerning the major questions of our lives, or the help we need, increases the frequency of Synchronistic answers. The secret is remembering, first thing in the morning, to watch for these magical Synchronistic moments.”